Альфа (alpha)

In this tab you control the alpha (transparency) of your strokes.


Line Style: Alpha.

Base Transparency

The base alpha for this line style.

Модификаторы (modifiers)

Общие параметры

Смешать (mix)

The modifier output can be mixed with the base property using the usual methods (see for example the Mix compositing node).

Влияние (influence)

How much the result of this modifier affects the current property.

Отображение (mapping)

Either a linear progression (from 0.0 to 1.0), or a custom mapping curve.


Note the linear non-inverted option is equivalent to «do nothing», as original values from materials are already in the (0.0 to 1.0) range. That is the case for: Crease Angle, Curvature 3D, Material, Noise, Tangent.

Инвертировать (invert)

Inverts the Mapping.

Типы (types)