Add Mesh Extra Objects

This add-on groups many mesh object creation add-ons into a single one.


  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть Уподобання – Preferences, потім у вкладку «Додатки» – Add-ons.

  • Клацніть Add Mesh, потім Extra Objects для вмикання цього скрипту.


Located in the 3D View ‣ Add ‣ Mesh menu.


Included mesh object add-ons:

Parent to Empty by Liero

Parent the selected mesh to an empty object type.

3D Function Surface by Buerbaum Martin (Pontiac), Elod Csirmaz

Create objects with XYZ math functions. Includes several presets by elfnor.

Beam Builder by revolt_randy, Jambay

Create five types of beams.

Gears by Michel J. Anders (varkenvarken)

Create gear and worm type mesh.

Gemstones by Pontiac, Fourmadmen, Dreampainter, Dominic Kroper, (dommetysk)

Create three types of diamond shapes.

Honeycomb by Kayo Phoenix

Create a honeycomb patterned mesh.

Menger Sponge by sugiany

Create iterated Menger sponges.

Pipe Joints by Buerbaum Martin (Pontiac)

Create angled and crossed pipes.

Step Pyramid by Phil Cote (cotejrp1)

Create a step pyramid with variable settings.

Round Cube by Alain Ducharme (phymec)

Create a quad mesh sphere with several presets.

Regular Solid by DreamPainter

Create polyhedron based objects.

Star by Fourmadmen

Create a simple star shape.

Supertoroid by DreamPainter

Create a torus object with new parameters for boxed shape and more.

Teapot by Anthony D’Agostino

Traditional style mesh teapot and a secondary spoon object.

Torus Knot by Anthony D’Agostino

A simple mesh torus knot with three types.

Triangles by Sjaak-de-Draak

Create math based triangles.

Twisted Torus by Paulo_Gomes

Standard torus object with a variable twisted mesh.

Add Vertex by meta-androcto, Pablo Vazquez, Liero, Richard Wilks

Add a single vertex object or object origin as a fast start to mesh editing.

Wall Factory by dudecon, jambay

Add castle type walls with settings for openings.

Орієнтир – Reference

Категорія – Category

Add Mesh

Опис – Description

Створення багато додаткових типів об’єктів.

Локація – Location

3D View ‣ Add ‣ Mesh

Файл – File

тека add_mesh_extra_objects

Автор – Author

Багато Авторів


Vladimir Spivak (cwolf3d)



Support Level



Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.