Rotate Instances Node

The Rotate Instances node rotates geometry instances in local or global space.
The Примірники page contains more information about geometry instances.
Inputs – Уводи
- Geometry – Геометрія
Standard geometry input.
- Selection – Вибрання
Boolean field used to determine if an instance will be rotated.
- Rotation – Обертання
The Euler rotation to rotate the instances by.
- Pivot Point – Точка Опертя
The position around which each instance is rotated. If the Local Space input is true, the location is relative to the initial transform of the instance.
- Local Space – Локальний Простір
If enabled, the instances are rotated in local space. In other words, they are rotated around the axes described by the initial transform of each instance. When the input is disabled, the pivot point and rotation are specified in the local space of the modifier object.
Properties – Властивості
Цей вузол наразі немає властивостей.
Outputs – Виводи
- Geometry – Геометрія
Standard geometry output.