Extrude – Видавлення

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

Edit Mode – Режим Редагування

Menu – Меню

Mesh ‣ Extrude

Shortcut – Шоткат


Extrude Faces

See Extrude Faces.

Extrude Faces Along Normals

See Extrude Faces Along Normals.

Extrude Individual Faces

See Extrude Individual Faces.

Extrude Manifold

See Extrude Manifold.

Extrude Edges

See Extrude Edges.

Extrude Vertices

See Extrude Vertices.

Extrude Repeat

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

Edit Mode – Режим Редагування

Menu – Меню

Mesh ‣ Extrude ‣ Extrude Repeat

This tool behaves similar to the Модифікатор «Масив» – Array Modifier, by extruding the selection along the Z axis of the view. If the selection is not Manifold it’s extruded the specified number of times.

Offset X, Y, Z

Distance between the instances.

Steps – Кроки

Number of instances.

Scale Offset

Multiplication factor to increase or decrease the offset.

Spin – Обкрут

See Spin – Обкрут.