Giới Thiệu (Introduction)

The rigid body simulation can be used to simulate the motion of solid objects. It affects the position and orientation of objects and does not deform them.

Unlike the other simulations in Blender, the rigid body simulation works closer with the animation system. This means that rigid bodies can be used like regular objects and be part of parent-child relationships, animation constraints and drivers.

Tạo một Thân Cứng (Creating a Rigid Body)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Toàn Bộ các Chế Độ

Panel (Bảng):

Tính Chất (Properties) ‣ Vật Lý (Physics) ‣ Thân Cứng (Rigid Body)

Trình Đơn (Menu):

Đối Tượng (Object) ‣ Thân Cứng (Rigid Body)

Only mesh objects can be part of a rigid body simulation. To create rigid bodies, either click on the "Thân Cứng" button in the "Vật Lý" tab of the Properties or use "Thêm Hoạt Tính"/"Thêm Thụ Động Tính" in the Đối Tượng (Object) ‣ Thân Cứng (Rigid Body) menu.

There are two types of rigid bodies: active and passive. Active bodies are dynamically simulated, while passive bodies remain static. Both types can be driven by the animation system when using the Animated option.

During the simulation, the rigid body system will override the position and orientation of dynamic rigid body objects. Note however, that the location and rotation of the objects are not changed, so the rigid body simulation acts similar to a constraint. To apply the rigid body transformations you can use the Apply Object Transform operator.

The scale of the rigid body object also influences the simulation, but is always controlled by the animation system.

Rigid body physics on the object can be "loại/xóa bỏ" with the "Thân Cứng" button in the "Vật Lý" tab in the Properties or in the Đối Tượng (Object) ‣ Thân Cứng (Rigid Body) menu.

Làm Việc với Thân Cứng (Working with Rigid Bodies)

Several object operators exist for working with rigid bodies, these operators can be found in the Thân Cứng (Rigid Body) object menu. These operators include functions to add/remove rigid bodies, modify their properties, and add Rigid Body Constraints.