- 模式
- 菜单
- 快捷键
- 菜单
(vertex bevel)
- 快捷键
Shift-Ctrl-B (vertex bevel)
倒角 工具用于为几何体创建斜角或圆角。倒角是用来为边线或拐角添加平滑效果的。
倒角 工具仅适用于正好有两个相邻面的选中边。它将识别顶点或面选择中包含的任何边,并将这些边当作显式选择,执行倒角操作。在 仅顶点 模式下,顶点倒角 工具适用于选定的顶点而不是边,并且不需要具有任何相邻面。倒角 工具通过将边和/或 "角"(顶点)替换为具有平滑轮廓的面,使用指定数量的 段数 (有关斜面算法的细节请参阅下文选项)。
使用 Ctrl-B 或者上文介绍的其他方式调用该工具。移动鼠标,指定倒角偏移量,滚动 Wheel 增加或减少段数(见下文)。
- Affect V
- Vertices
Only the areas near vertices are beveled, the edges remain unchanged.
- Edges
Bevel the edges, creating intersections at vertices.
- Width Type M
Selects how the Width value controls the size of the bevel. According to the selection, the width is:
- 偏移量
The distance from the new edge to the original.
- 宽度
The distance between the two new edges formed by the bevel (or the edges on either side of the bevel if there is more than one segment).
- 百分比
- Absolute
The exact distance along edges adjacent to the beveled edge. A difference from Offset is visible when the unbeveled edges attached to beveled edges meet at an angle besides a right angle.
For vertex-only bevels, the Offset and Depth types measure from the original vertex. The Width type is measured from a new vertex to the center of the new face (as half the Width).
- Width A
You can change the bevel width by moving the mouse towards and away from the object, a bit like with transform tools. The exact meaning of the value depends on the Width Type option (see above). As usual, the scaling can be controlled to a finer degree by holding Shift to scale in 0.001 steps. LMB finalizes the operation, RMB or Esc aborts the action.
When multiple edges are beveled at the same time, it is sometimes impossible to make the width match the above definition on all edges simultaneously. Bevel tries to compromise in such cases. Sometimes turning off Loop Slide (see below) can make it easier for Bevel to make the widths as specified.
- 段数 S
滚动 Wheel 增加或减少倒角面段数。段数越多,倒角越平滑。也可以按下 S ,移动鼠标或输入数值来改变段数。
- Shape P
大小介于0到1,用于控制倒角的轮廓(倒角边侧视)形状。默认值为0.5,轮廓为圆弧形(如果这些面以正确的角度相连)。低于该值,轮廓变得平坦,0.25为平面,低于0.25为内凹的倒角。该值大于0.5,倒角面更加突出。与 段数 类似,该值可以在按下 P 后移动鼠标或输入数值修改。
- Material Index
The Material number specifies which material is assigned to the new faces created by the Bevel tool. With the default, -1, the material is inherited from the closest existing face ("closest" can be a bit ambiguous). Otherwise, the number is the slot index of the material to use for all newly created faces.
- 硬化法向 H
启用后,将调整逐顶点调整倒角面法向,以匹配周围的面,并且周围面的法向不受影响。这将保持周围的面平直(如果他们以前),倒角面与其平滑着色融入。要达到此效果,需要启用自定义拆分法线,这又需要启用自动平滑(见 法向)。为方便起见,如果在此处启用硬化法向时尚未启用该选项,则将为用户启用该选项。
- 限制重叠 C
- 环切线滑移
- Mark
- Seams U
- Sharp K
- Miter Outer O
当两个倒角边以一定角度相遇时,将形成 斜接。在角度大于 180 度的一侧(如果有),称之为 外斜接。此选项指定Blender在外斜接上使用的模式。
- 锐利
- 补块
Edges meet at a sharp point but in addition, two extra vertices are introduced near the point so that the edges and faces at the vertex may be less pinched together than what occurs in the Sharp case. The Spread slider controls how far the new vertices are from the intersection.
- 圆弧
Two vertices are introduced near the intersection, and a curved arc joins them together. The Spread slider controls how far the new vertices are from the intersection. The Profile slider controls the shape of the arc.
- Inner I
当两个倒角边之间的角度小于180度时,将形成 内斜接。此选项指定Blender在内斜接处使用的模式。选项与外斜接选项相同,只不过 补块 没有作用,因此省略了。下图为内斜接举例,两内斜接均位于竖直表面上。
- 扩散
该值用于控制 外斜接 与 内斜接 斜接引入的顶点的分散程度。
- Intersection Type N
- 栅格填充
用于构建相交的默认方法,当需要平滑连续的倒角轮廓时很有用。如果不启用 自定义轮廓,轮廓的曲线将穿过相交区域,但使用自定义轮廓后,它会在相交区域的边界内创建平滑网格。
- 截止
¶ - Face Strength
根据指定的模式,在倒角所涉及的面上设置 面强度 。这可以结合 加权法向修改器 一起使用(勾选 面影响 选项)。
- 无
- 新建
设置沿边缘的新面的面强度为 中 ,顶点的新面的面强度为 弱 。
- 受影响的
除了为设置为 新建 的那些面外,还将相邻的面设置为具有 强 强度。
- 全部
除了那些设置为 受影响的 选项,还设置模型的所有其余面强度为 强 。
- Profile Type Z
- Superellipse
Creates a bevel with a uniform concave or convex curve.
- Custom
The profile starts at the bottom right of the widget and ends at the top left, as if it were between two edges intersecting at a right angle. Control points are created in the widget and then the path is sampled with the number of segments from the bevel modifier.
The Profile slider stays active when miters are enabled because it still controls the shape of the miter profiles.
- 预设
支撑环 和 阶梯* 预设根据斜角中的段数动态生成。如果段数发生更改,则必须重新应用预设。
- 采样
Samples will first be added to each control point, then if there are enough samples, they will be divided evenly between the edges. The Sample Straight Edges option toggles whether the samples are added to edges with sharp control points on either side. If there aren't enough samples to give each edge the same number of samples, they will just be added to the most curved edges. So it is recommended to use at least as many segments as there are control points.