Exporting to USD Files
以下物体可以导出到 USD:
导出动画时,最终解算的网格将写入 USD。这意味着可以导出以下参数:
任意动画网格; 在这里,拓扑确实会发生变化。比如,流体模拟的结果,液体飞溅会从主体上脱落。
Metaballs are exported as animated meshes.
导出到 USD 时,可以使用以下选项:
- 仅导出选中的物体
When checked, only selected objects are exported. Instanced objects, for example collections that are instanced in the scene, are considered 'selected' when their instancer is selected.
- 仅可见
Only exports objects that are not hidden. Invisible parents of exported objects are exported as empty transforms.
- 动画
- 毛发
- UV 贴图
勾选后,包含被导出网格的 UV 坐标。USD中的 UV 贴图名称与 Blender 中相同。在USD中,默认名称为
,而在 Blender 中,默认名称为UVMap
。要导出为标准 UV 贴图名称st
,先将Blender中的 UV 贴图重命名为st
。- 法向
- 材质
第一个材质(如果有)也始终应用于网格本身(无论几何子集是否存在),因为 Hydra 视口不支持子集上的材料。更多详细信息见 USD issue #542。
- 设置用于
确定是使用集合、修改器的 视图 或 渲染 可见性,还是可同时为 视口 和 渲染 设置的任何其他属性。
- 实例化
由于这是一个实验性选项。如果未勾选,副本物体将导出为真实物体,因此具有 100 个粒子的粒子系统(显示 100 个网格)将在导出文件中存在 100 个单独的网格。选中后,副本物体将作为对原始物体的引用导出。如果原始物体不是导出的一部分,则第一个副本将导出为真实物体并用作引用。
Exporter Limitations
- 单面/双面网格
USD 似乎既不支持双面不同材质或不同面组,因此 Blender 使用第一个材质中的标记将整个网格标记为单/双面。如果没有材质,则默认为双面。
- 网格法向
默认情况下,以USD表示的网格细分方案为"Catmull-Clark",但 Blender 使用 'None',表示导出多边形网格。这对于USD理解自定义法线是必需的;否则,网格将始终呈现为平滑。
- 顶点速度
- 坐标系方位
Blender使用 Z 轴作为向上轴。由于USD支持 Y 向上和 Z向上,由 Blender 写出的 USD 文件始终使用 Z向上。
- 材质
导出材质的非常简单版本,仅使用 视图显示 颜色、金属度和粗糙度。
- 毛发
仅导出父级发股,并且仅导出具有恒定颜色的。没有 UV 坐标,也没有关于法线的信息。
- 相机
- 灯光
- 粒子
通过使用粒子的持久 ID 对物体名称添加后缀,使每个粒子变换具有唯一名称,从而导出粒子系统实例的物体。
- 实例化/引用
这仍然是一个实验功能,可以在导出到 USD 时启用。启用后,实例化物体网格将写入 USD 作为对原始网格的引用。网格的第一个副本是为实写而写入的,以下副本引用第一个副本。哪个网格被视为"第一个"或多或少是任意选择的。
Importing USD Files
USD files typically represent the scene as a hierarchy of primitives, or prims. Individual prims contain data to describe scene entities, such as geometry, lights, cameras and transform hierarchies. Blender's USD importer converts USD prims to a hierarchy of Blender objects. Like the USD exporter, the importer does not yet handle more advanced USD concepts, such as layers and references.
The following USD data types can be imported as Blender objects:
For more information on how the various data types are handled, see the following descriptions of the Import Options.
Xform and Scope Primitives
USD provides an Xform
prim type, containing transform data, which can be
used to represent transform hierarchies and to organize the scene.
Such Xform
prims are imported as Blender empty objects.
USD also supports Scope
primitives, which are entities
that do not contain transform data, but which serve to group other element of the scene.
Blender doesn't have an exact counterpart to the concept of a scope,
so such primitives are imported as Blender empties located at the origin.
This is an imperfect representation, because empty objects have a transform and Scopes
do not,
but this approach nonetheless helps preserve the structure of the scene hierarchy.
The importer supports two types of animation:
Animating transforms: If a USD primitive has time-varying transform data, a Transform Cache constraint will be added to the imported Blender object.
Animating geometry: Animating mesh and curve geometry is supported by adding a Mesh Sequence Cache modifier to the imported data. Geometry attribute (USD Primvar) animation is currently supported only for mesh vertex colors and UVs. Note that USD file sequences (i.e. a unique file per frame) are not yet supported.
If a USD mesh or geometry subset has a bound material, the importer will assign to the Blender object a material with the same name as the USD material. If a Blender material with the same name already exists in the scene, the existing material will be assigned. Otherwise, a new material will be created.
If the USD material has a USD Preview Surface shader source, the 视图显示 color, metallic, and roughness are set to the corresponding USD Preview Surface input values.
There is also an experimental Import USD Preview option to convert USD Preview Surface shaders to Blender Principled BSDF shader nodes. This option can be lossy, as it does not yet handle converting all shader settings and types, but it can generate approximate visualizations of the materials.
If the imported USD is Y up, a rotation will be automatically applied to root objects to convert to Blender's Z up orientation.
The following options are available when importing from USD:
- 相机
Import cameras (perspective and orthographic).
- 曲线
Import curve primitives, including USD basis and NURBS curves. (Note that support for Bézier basis is not yet fully implemented.)
- 灯光
Import lights. Does not currently include USD dome, cylinder or geometry lights.
- 材质
Import materials. See also the experimental Import USD Preview option.
- 网格
Import meshes.
- 体积(卷标)
Import USD OpenVDB field assets.
- Path Mask
Import only the subset of the USD scene rooted at the given primitive.
- 比例|缩放
Value by which to scale the imported objects in relation to the world's origin.
- UV 坐标
Read mesh UV coordinates.
- 顶点颜色
Convert the USD mesh
values to Blender mesh vertex colors.- 分区
Create Subdivision Surface modifiers based on the USD
attribute.- Import Instance Proxies
Create unique Blender objects for USD instances.
- Visible Primitives Only
Do not import invisible USD primitives. Only applies to primitives with a non-animated visibility attribute. Primitives with animated visibility will always be imported.
- 引导
Include primitives with purpose
.- 代理
Include primitives with purpose
.- 渲染
Include primitives with purpose
.- Set Frame Range
Update the scene's start and end frame to match those of the USD stage.
- 相对路径
Select the file relative to the blend-file.
- Create Collection
Add all imported objects to a new collection.
- Light Intensity Scale
Scale for the intensity of imported lights.
- Import USD Preview
Convert USD Preview Surface shaders to Principled BSDF shader networks.
- Set Material Blend
If the Import USD Preview option is enabled, the material blend method will automatically be set based on the
shader inputs, allowing for visualization of transparent objects.