- 模式
- 快捷键
Interactively places new vertices with Ctrl-RMB at the mouse cursor position.
在不选中其他顶点的情况下,使用 Ctrl-RMB 添加最基础网格元素,顶点。由于摄像头空间(电脑屏幕)是二维的,Blender无法根据确定鼠标单击产生的顶点坐标,所以新添加的顶点是放置在3D游标所确定的平面上的。
To create interconnected vertices, you can add a vertex and continuously make subsequent Ctrl-RMB operations with the last vertex selected. This will link the last selected vertex with the vertex created at the mouse position with an edge (see Fig. 逐个添加顶点。), and will continuously create and connect new vertices if you continue repeating this operation.
如果选中了一条边的两个顶点, Ctrl-RMB 单击创建一个平坦的表面,也叫做四边形。Blender会按照鼠标指针位置,从视图的观察平面创建四边形。
对于 Ctrl-RMB,如果创建的面超过一个,Blender会自动旋转最后选中的边(初始边),以平分新创建边与之前两条边之间的夹角,产生平滑的夹角过渡。Blender会计算新添加边的 X 与 Y坐标与前一个未选中边的夹角。如果该角度超出限制 (遵守象限法则),Blender会折叠该面。如果不想要 Ctrl-RMB 基础操作的自动旋转和平滑效果,可以使用快捷键 Ctrl-Shift-RMB 抑制旋转。 这种情况下,Blender在创建面时不会对初始边进行旋转。
If you have three or more vertices selected, and Ctrl-RMB click, you will also create planar faces, but along the vertices selected, following the direction of the cursor. This operation is similar to an extrude operation.
When adding objects with Ctrl-RMB, the extrusions of the selected elements, being vertices, edges and faces with the Ctrl-RMB, are viewport dependent. This means, once you change your viewport, for example, from top to left, bottom or right, the extrusion direction will also follow your viewport and align the extrusions with your planar view.