- 面板
- Viewport Samples
- Render Samples
- Time Limit
Renders scene until time limit or sample count is reached. When the time is set to 0, the sample count is used to determine when the render stops.
The time limit does not include pre-render processing time, only render time.
启用 自适应采样 后,Cycles会自动减少噪点较少区域的采样,可以更快地渲染并且得到更均匀的噪点分布。例如角色的头发可能需要很多采样,但背景需要较少的采样。
通过自适应采样还可以渲染具有目标噪点量的图像。设置 噪波阈值 (通常范围为0.1到0.001),然后将渲染采样设置为较高的值,渲染器将自动选择合适的采样数。
- 噪波阈值
- 最小采样
The minimum number of samples a pixel receives before adaptive sampling is applied. When set to 0 (default), it is automatically set to a value determined by the Noise Threshold.
降噪将移除在3D视窗的 渲染 模式下预览渲染时产生的噪点,或者移除在最终渲染时产生的噪点。
- 渲染
Denoising for the final render can be enabled or disabled with the checkbox. For denoising the image after rendering with the Denoising node, the Data Render Passes also adapt to the selected denoiser.
- 开源图像降噪
使用Intel的 开源图像降噪,一款基于CPU的AI降噪器。
- OptiX
使用人工智能算法去除渲染中的噪点。它基于 OptiX -- NVIDIA 加速引擎,因此具有与Optix渲染相同的GPU要求。
- 视窗
用于3D视图的 渲染 模式的降噪,可在设置中的复选框中启用或者禁用。
- 自动
为3D视图渲染使用最快且可用的降噪器(如果 OptiX 可用,则使用它,否则切换至 开源图像降噪)。
- 开源图像降噪
使用Intel的 开源图像降噪,一款基于CPU的AI降噪器。
- OptiX
使用人工智能算法去除渲染中的噪点。它基于 OptiX -- NVIDIA 加速引擎,因此具有与Optix渲染相同的GPU要求。
- 起始采样
开始3D视图 降噪 的采样。
- 输入通道
Controls which Render Pass the denoiser should use as input, which can have different effects on the denoised image. Generally, the more passes the denoiser has to denoise the better the result. It is recommended to at least use Albedo as None can blur out details, especially at lower sample counts.
- 无
Denoises the image using color data.
- 反照率
Denoises the image using color and albedo data.
- Albedo + Normal
Denoises the image using color, albedo, and normal pass data.
- Prefilter
Controls whether or not prefiltering is applied to Input Passes for use when denoising. Visible only when using OpenImageDenoise.
- 无
Does not apply any prefiltering to the input passes. This option retains the most detail and is the fastest, but assumes the input passes are noise free which may require a high sample count. If the input passes aren't noise free, then noise will remain in the image after denoising.
- 快速
Assumes the input passes are not noise free, yet does not apply prefiltering to the input passes. This option is faster than Accurate but produces a blurrier result.
- Accurate
Prefilters the input passes before denoising to reduce noise. This option usually produces more detailed results than Fast with increased processing time.
- 随机种
- Use Animated Seed (clock icon)
- 图案
Random sampling pattern used by the integrator. When 自适应采样 is enabled, Progressive Multi-Jitter is always used instead of Sobol.
- Sobol
使用 Sobol 模式确定积分器使用的随机采样模式。有关详细信息,请参阅维基百科上的 Sobol sequence 。
- 渐进式多重抖动
使用渐进式多抖动模式来确定积分器使用的随机采样模式。它的优点是在迭代的样本数上提供良好的样本分布。由于其在不同样本数量范围内的良好分布,因此该样本模式可用于 Adaptive Sampling。有关更多信息,请参见 this Pixar paper 。
- Sample Offset
The number of samples to skip when starting render. This can be used to distribute a render across multiple computers then combine the images with bpy.ops.cycles.merge_images
- Scrambling Distance Multiplier
Lower values Reduce randomization between pixels to improve GPU rendering performance, at the cost of possible rendering artifacts if set too low.
- 自动
Uses a formula to adapt the scrambling distance strength based on the sample count.
- 视窗
Uses the Scrambling Distance value for the viewport rendering. This will make the rendering faster but may cause flickering.
- 最小光线反弹
- 最小透明反弹
- 光照阈值
- 层采样
- 使用
- 限界
- 忽略