







渲染占用所有可用的CPU时间; 你应该在一夜之间渲染,当不需要计算机时,或者在渲染时将Blender设置为低优先级,并处理其他事情(小心RAM空间!)。


The Direct Approach, which is highly not recommended and not a standard practice, is where you set your output format to an AVI or MOV format, and click Animation to render your scene directly out to a movie file. Blender creates one file that holds all the frames of your animation. You can then use Blender's Video Sequencer to add an audio track to the animation and render out to an MPEG format to complete your movie.


The Frame Sequence is a much more stable approach, where you set your output format to a still format (such as JPG, PNG or a multi-layer format). Click Animation to render your scene out to a set of images, where each image is a frame in the sequence.

Blender creates a file for each frame of the animation. You can then use Blender's Compositor to perform any frame manipulation (post-processing). You can then use Blender's Video Sequencer to load that final image sequence, add an audio track to the animation, and render out to an MPEG format to complete your movie. The Frame Sequence approach is a little more complicated and takes more drive space, but gives you more flexibility.



  • Short segments with total render time under one hour.

  • 稳定的电源。

  • 其他用途不需要电脑。


  • Total render time over one hour.

  • Post-production work needed:

    • Color/lighting adjustment

    • Green screen/matte replacement

    • Layering/compositing

    • Multiple formats and resolutions of the final product

  • 压缩/编解码器所需的中间帧/调整。

  • 部件中需要精确的定时(例如,唇音同步到音轨)。

  • 可能需要中断渲染才能使用计算机,并且希望能够从中断处继续渲染。


  1. 首先准备你的动画。

  2. 在“ 尺寸”面板中,选择要使用的渲染大小,像素宽高比和帧范围,以及应该已设置的帧速率。

  3. 在“输出”面板中,将动画设置为图像,通常使用不会影响任何质量的格式。

  4. 例如,也可以在“输出”面板中选择输出路径和文件类型 //render/my-anim-.

  5. 确认动画范围(帧开始和结束)。

  6. 保存您的混合文件。

  7. Press the Animation button and once the animation is finished, use your file manager to navigate to the output folder (render in this example). You will see lots of images that have a sequence number attached to. These are the single frames.

  8. In Blender, open the Video Sequencer.


    The Video Sequencer does not support multi-layer EXR files. To render to a video format you will have to skip the next three steps and instead use an Image Input node in the Compositor.

  9. Choose Add Image from the add menu. Select all the frames from your output folder that you want to include in your animation. They will be added as a strip in the Sequence editor.

  10. Now you can edit the strip and add effects or leave it like it is. You can add other strips, like an audio strip.

  11. Scrub through the animation to check if you have included all the frames.

  12. In the Output panel, choose the container and codec you want (e.g. MPEG H.264) and configure them. The video codecs are described in Output Options.

  13. Click the Animation render button and Blender will render out the Sequence editor output into a movie.



除非您的动画在几分钟内渲染,否则最好将动画渲染为单独的图像文件。而不是直接渲染到压缩的电影文件,使用无损格式 (e.g. PNG).


只需禁用“ 覆盖”选项即可开始渲染中断的位置。




使用图像格式进行输出,您可以使用“ 帧步长”选项渲染每个第N帧。然后禁用“ 覆盖”并将“ 帧步长”设置为1 重新渲染。