
Blender has a Text Editor among its editor types, accessible via the Editor type menu, or the shortcut Shift-F11.



跟平常一样,按下拖动并松开 LMB 用于选择文本。按下 RMB 打开上下文菜单。


Usages for the Text editor

The Text editor is handy also when you want to share your blend-files with others. The Text editor can be used to write in a README text explaining the contents of your blend-file. Be sure to keep it visible when saving!



The most notable keystroke is Alt-P which makes the content of the buffer being parsed by the internal Python interpreter built into Blender. Before going on it is worth noticing that Blender comes with a fully functional Python interpreter built-in, and with a lots of Blender-specific modules, as described in the 脚本与扩展 Blender section.