


物理 ‣ 布料缓存

在为偏转网格设置帧范围后,您打算运行模拟(包括 通过 骨骼来动画网格),现在你可以告诉布料模拟计算(并避免)碰撞。 选择布料对象,然后在 物体 选项 物理 选项中,为要计算的模拟帧设置 开始结束 设置,然后单击 烘焙 按钮。

布料缓存和其他动力系统一样。见 粒子缓存 详情。


如果在你移动或者编辑布料对象 之后 已经运行了模拟,则必须清除缓存,或者,在尝试表现它们所在的位置时Blender将使用当前/缓存的网格顶点的位置。



每个细分级别都会进行烘焙/缓存,因此请使用 同等 细分级别进行渲染和预览。


You cannot change Start or End without clearing the bake simulation. When the simulation has finished, you will notice you have the option to free the bake, edit the bake and re-bake


The cache contains the shape of the mesh at each frame. You can edit the cached simulation, after you have baked the simulation and pressed the Bake Editing button. Just go to the frame you want to fix and Tab into Edit Mode. There you can move your vertices using all of Blender's mesh shaping tools. When you exit, the shape of the mesh will be recorded for that frame of the animation. If you want Blender to resume the simulation using the new shape going forward, select Rebake from next Frame and play the animation. Blender will then pick up with that shape and resume the simulation.

Edit the mesh to correct minor tears and places where the colliding object has punctured the cloth.

If you add, delete, or extrude vertices in the mesh, Blender will take the new mesh as the starting shape of the mesh back to the first frame of the animation, replacing the original shape you started with, up to the frame you were on when you edited the mesh. Therefore, if you change the content of a mesh, when you press Tab out of Edit Mode, you should unprotect and clear the cache so that Blender will make a consistent simulation.