Splash Screen

When starting Blender, the splash screen appears in the center of the window. It contains options to create new projects or open recently opened blend-files. A more detailed description can be found below.


Blender Splash Screen.

To close the splash screen and start a new project, click anywhere outside the splash screen (but inside the Blender Window) or press Esc. The splash screen will disappear revealing the default screen.

To reopen the splash screen click on the Blender icon in the Topbar and select Splash Screen.

Information Region

The upper part of the splash screen contains the splash image with a lot of key information overlaid.

Besides the Blender icon and text, it shows the Blender version. e.g. the current version is 2.81.
At the top-right corner, you can see the date of when Blender was compiled.
The Git Hash. This can be useful to give to support personnel, when diagnosing a problem.
Optional branch name.
Interactive Region

The interactive region is the bottom half of the splash screen.

New File
Start a new project based on a template.
Recent Files
Your most recently opened blend-files. This gives quick and easy access to your recent projects.
Allows opening an existing blend-file.
Recover Last Session
Blender will try to recover the last session based on temporary files. See Recovering Data.
Links to the official web site. The same links can be found in the Help Menu of the Topbar.


When starting Blender for the first time, the Interactive Region contains a Quick Set Up Process.