Module Effect
[frames | no frames]

Module Effect

The Blender.Effect submodule

new: now Get('objname') (without specifying second parameter: 'position') returns a list of all effects linked to object "objname".



The Effect module allows you to access all the data of particle effects. An effect can modify a mesh object using particles, where vertex of the mesh emits particles, which can themselves emit new particles.

In the Blender internals, the effect object is just a placeholder for the particle effect. Prior to v2.39 build and wave effects were also supported by Blender, and the Python API supported all three types of effects. They were removed in v2.39 when the build and wave modifiers were implemented.

 import Blender
   listffects = Blender.Effect.Get()
   print listeffects
   eff = listeffects[0]
   #we suppose the first effect is a build effect
   print eff.getLen()

Effect This object gives access to particle effect data in Blender.

Function Summary
Blender Effect or a list of Blender Effects Get(name, position)
Get an Effect from Blender.
Blender Effect New(name)
Creates a new particle effect and attaches to an object.

Variable Summary
read-only dictionary Flags: The particle effect flags.
read-only dictionary SpeedTypes: The available settings for selecting particle speed vectors.

Function Details

Get(name=None, position=None)

Get an Effect from Blender.
name - The name of object linked to the effect.
position - The position of the effect in the list of effects linked to the object.
It depends on the 'objname, position' parameters:
  • (): A list with all Effects in the current scene;
  • (name): A list with all Effects linked to the given object;
  • (name, position): The Effect linked to the given object at the given position

           (type=Blender Effect or a list of Blender Effects)


Creates a new particle effect and attaches to an object.
name - The name of object to associate with the effect. Only mesh objects are supported.
the new effect
           (type=Blender Effect)

Variable Details


The particle effect flags. Values can be ORed.
  • SELECTED: The particle effect is selected in the UI. (Read-only)
  • BSPLINE: Use a B-spline formula for particle interpolation
  • STATIC: Make static particles
  • ANIMATED: Recalculate static particles for each rendered frame
  • VERTS: Emit particles from vertices
  • FACES: Emit particles from faces
  • EVENDIST: Use even distribution based on face area (requires FACES)
  • TRUERAND: Use true random distribution based on face area (requires FACES)
  • UNBORN: Make particles appear before they are emitted
  • DIED: Make particles appear after they have died
  • EMESH: Render emitter mesh
read-only dictionary


The available settings for selecting particle speed vectors. Only one setting is active at a time.
  • INTENSITY: Use texture intensity
  • RGB: Use RGB values
  • GRADIENT: Use texture gradient
read-only dictionary

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu May 10 20:32:00 2007