Module Armature

Source Code for Module Armature

  1  # Blender.Armature module and the Armature PyType object 
  3  """ 
  4  The Blender.Armature submodule. 
  6  Armature 
  7  ======== 
  9  This module provides access to B{Armature} objects in Blender.  These are 
 10  "skeletons", used to deform and animate other objects -- meshes, for 
 11  example. 
 13  Example:: 
 14    import Blender 
 15    from Blender import Armature 
 16    from Blender.Mathutils import * 
 17    # 
 18    arms = Armature.Get() 
 19    for arm in arms.values(): 
 20      arm.drawType = Armature.STICK #set the draw type 
 21      arm.makeEditable() #enter editmode 
 23      #generating new editbone 
 24      eb = Armature.Editbone() 
 25      eb.roll = 10 
 26      eb.parent = arm.bones['Bone.003'] 
 27      eb.head = Vector(1,1,1) 
 28      eb.tail = Vector(0,0,1) 
 29      eb.options = [Armature.HINGE, Armature.CONNECTED] 
 31      #add the bone 
 32      arm.bones['myNewBone'] = eb 
 34      #delete an old bone 
 35      del arm.bones['Bone.002'] 
 37      arm.update()  #save changes 
 39      for bone in arm.bones.values(): 
 40        #print bone.matrix['ARMATURESPACE'] 
 41        print bone.parent, 
 42        print bone.children, 
 43        print bone.options, 
 46  Example:: 
 47          # Adds empties for every bone in the selected armature, an example of getting worldspace locations for bones. 
 48          from Blender import * 
 49          def test_arm(): 
 50                  scn= Scene.GetCurrent() 
 51                  arm_ob= 
 53                  if not arm_ob or arm_ob.type != 'Armature': 
 54                          Draw.PupMenu('not an armature object') 
 55                          return 
 57                  # Deselect all 
 58                  for ob in scn.objects: 
 59                          if ob != arm_ob: 
 60                                  ob.sel= 0 
 62                  arm_mat= arm_ob.matrixWorld 
 64                  arm_data= arm_ob.getData() 
 66                  bones= arm_data.bones.values() 
 67                  for bone in bones: 
 68                          bone_mat= bone.matrix['ARMATURESPACE'] 
 69                          bone_mat_world= bone_mat*arm_mat 
 71                          ob_empty='Empty') 
 72                          ob_empty.setMatrix(bone_mat_world) 
 74          test_arm() 
 76  @var CONNECTED: Connect this bone to parent 
 77  @type CONNECTED: Constant 
 78  @var HINGE: Don't inherit rotation or scale from parent 
 79  @type HINGE: Constant 
 80  @var NO_DEFORM: If bone will not deform geometry 
 81  @type NO_DEFORM: Constant 
 82  @var MULTIPLY: Multiply bone with vertex group 
 83  @type MULTIPLY: Constant 
 84  @var HIDDEN_EDIT: Bone is hidden in editmode 
 85  @type HIDDEN_EDIT: Constant 
 86  @var ROOT_SELECTED: Root of the Bone is selected 
 87  @type ROOT_SELECTED: Constant 
 88  @var BONE_SELECTED: Bone is selected 
 89  @type BONE_SELECTED: Constant 
 90  @var TIP_SELECTED: Tip of the Bone is selected 
 91  @type TIP_SELECTED: Constant 
 92  @var OCTAHEDRON: Bones drawn as octahedrons 
 93  @type OCTAHEDRON: Constant 
 94  @var STICK: Bones drawn as a line 
 95  @type STICK: Constant 
 96  @var BBONE: Bones draw as a segmented B-spline 
 97  @type BBONE: Constant 
 98  @var ENVELOPE: Bones draw as a stick with envelope influence 
 99  @type ENVELOPE: Constant 
100  """ 
102 -def Get (name = None):
103 """ 104 Get the Armature object(s) from Blender. 105 @type name: string, nothing, or list of strings 106 @param name: The string name of an armature. 107 @rtype: Blender Armature or a list of Blender Armatures 108 @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: 109 - (name): The Armature object with the given I{name}; 110 - (name, name, ...): A list of Armature objects 111 - (): A list with all Armature objects in the current scene. 112 @warning: In versions 2.42 and earlier, a string argument for an armature 113 that doesn't exist will return None. Later versions raise a Value error. 114 """
116 -def New (name = None):
117 """ 118 Return a new armature. 119 @type name: string or nothing 120 @param name: The string name of the new armature. 121 @rtype: Blender Armature. 122 @return: A new armature. 123 """
125 -class Armature:
126 """ 127 The Armature object 128 =================== 129 This object gives access to Armature-specific data in Blender. 130 @ivar bones: A Dictionary of Bones (BonesDict) that make up this armature. 131 @type bones: BonesDict Object 132 @ivar vertexGroups: Whether vertex groups define deformation 133 @type vertexGroups: Bool 134 @ivar envelopes: Whether bone envelopes define deformation 135 @type envelopes: Bool 136 @ivar restPosition: Show rest position (no posing possible) 137 @type restPosition: Bool 138 @ivar delayDeform: Don't deform children when manipulating bones 139 @type delayDeform: Bool 140 @ivar drawAxes: Draw bone axes 141 @type drawAxes: Bool 142 @ivar drawNames: Draw bone names 143 @type drawNames: Bool 144 @ivar ghost: Draw ghosts around frame for current Action 145 @type ghost: Bool 146 @ivar ghostStep: Number of frames between ghosts 147 @type ghostStep: Int 148 @ivar drawType: The drawing type that is used to display the armature 149 Acceptable values are: 150 - Armature.OCTAHEDRON: bones drawn as octahedrons 151 - Armature.STICK: bones drawn as sticks 152 - Armature.BBONE: bones drawn as b-bones 153 - Armature.ENVELOPE: bones drawn as sticks with envelopes 154 @type drawType: Constant Object 155 @ivar mirrorEdit: X-axis mirrored editing 156 @type mirrorEdit: Bool 157 @ivar autoIK: Adds temporary IK chains while grabbing bones 158 @type autoIK: Bool 159 @ivar layerMask: Layer bitmask 160 Example:: 161 # set armature to layers 14 and 16 162 armature.layerMask = (1<<13) + (1<<15) 163 @type layerMask: Int 164 """ 165
166 - def __init__(name = 'myArmature'):
167 """ 168 Initializer for the Armature TypeObject. 169 Example:: 170 myNewArmature = Blender.Armature.Armature('AR_1') 171 @param name: The name for the new armature 172 @type name: string 173 @return: New Armature Object 174 @rtype: Armature Object 175 """
177 - def makeEditable():
178 """ 179 Put the armature into EditMode for editing purposes. (Enters Editmode) 180 @warning: Using Window.Editmode() to switch the editmode manually will cause problems and possibly even crash Blender. 181 @warning: This is only needed for operations such as adding and removing bones. 182 @warning: Do access pose data until you have called update() or settings will be lost. 183 @warning: The armature should not be in manual editmode 184 prior to calling this method. The armature must be parented 185 to an object prior to editing. 186 @rtype: None 187 """
189 - def update():
190 """ 191 Save all changes and update the armature. (Leaves Editmode) 192 @note: Must have called makeEditable() first. 193 @rtype: None 194 """
195 - def copy():
196 """ 197 Return a copy of this armature. 198 @rtype: Armature 199 """
200 - def __copy__():
201 """ 202 Return a copy of this armature. 203 @rtype: Armature 204 """
205 206 import id_generics 207 Armature.__doc__ += id_generics.attributes 208
209 -class BonesDict:
210 """ 211 The BonesDict object 212 ==================== 213 This object gives gives dictionary like access to the bones in an armature. 214 It is internal to blender but is called as 'Armature.bones' 215 216 Removing a bone: 217 Example:: 218 del myArmature.bones['bone_name'] 219 Adding a bone: 220 Example:: 221 myEditBone = Armature.Editbone() 222 myArmature.bones['bone_name'] = myEditBone 223 """ 224
225 - def items():
226 """ 227 Return the key, value pairs in this dictionary 228 @rtype: string, BPy_bone 229 @return: All strings, and py_bones in the armature (in that order) 230 """
232 - def keys():
233 """ 234 Return the keys in this dictionary 235 @rtype: string 236 @return: All strings representing the bone names 237 """
239 - def values():
240 """ 241 Return the values in this dictionary 242 @rtype: BPy_bone 243 @return: All BPy_bones in this dictionary 244 """
246 -class Bone:
247 """ 248 The Bone object 249 =============== 250 This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender. This object 251 cannot be instantiated but is returned by BonesDict when the armature is not in editmode. 252 @ivar name: The name of this Bone. 253 @type name: String 254 @ivar roll: This Bone's roll value. 255 Keys are: 256 - 'ARMATURESPACE' - this roll in relation to the armature 257 - 'BONESPACE' - the roll in relation to itself 258 @type roll: Dictionary 259 @ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state. 260 Keys are: 261 - 'ARMATURESPACE' - this head position in relation to the armature 262 - 'BONESPACE' - the head position in relation to itself. 263 @type head: Dictionary 264 @ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state. 265 Keys are: 266 - 'ARMATURESPACE' - this tail position in relation to the armature 267 - 'BONESPACE' - the tail position in relation to itself 268 @type tail: Dictionary 269 @ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix. This cannot be set. 270 Keys are: 271 - 'ARMATURESPACE' - this matrix of the bone in relation to the armature 272 - 'BONESPACE' - the matrix of the bone in relation to itself 273 @type matrix: Matrix Object 274 @ivar parent: The parent Bone. 275 @type parent: Bone Object 276 @ivar children: The children directly attached to this bone. 277 @type children: List of Bone Objects 278 @ivar weight: The bone's weight. 279 @type weight: Float 280 @ivar options: Various bone options which can be: 281 - Armature.CONNECTED: IK to parent 282 - Armature.HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling 283 - Armature.NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometry 284 - Armature.MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope 285 - Armature.HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode 286 - Armature.ROOT_SELECTED: Selection of root ball of bone 287 - Armature.BONE_SELECTED: Selection of bone 288 - Armature.TIP_SELECTED: Selection of tip ball of bone 289 @type options: List of Constants 290 @ivar subdivision: The number of bone subdivisions. 291 @type subdivision: Int 292 @ivar deformDist: The deform distance of the bone 293 @type deformDist: Float 294 @ivar length: The length of the bone. This cannot be set. 295 @type length: Float 296 @ivar headRadius: The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones) 297 @type headRadius: Float 298 @ivar tailRadius: The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones) 299 @type tailRadius: Float 300 @ivar layerMask: Layer bitmask 301 Example:: 302 # set bone to layers 14 and 16 303 bone.layerMask = (1<<13) + (1<<15) 304 @type layerMask: Int 305 """ 306
307 - def hasParent():
308 """ 309 Whether or not this bone has a parent 310 @rtype: Bool 311 """
313 - def hasChildren():
314 """ 315 Whether or not this bone has children 316 @rtype: Bool 317 """
319 - def getAllChildren():
320 """ 321 Gets all the children under this bone including the children's children. 322 @rtype: List of Bone object 323 @return: all bones under this one 324 """
326 -class Editbone:
327 """ 328 The Editbone Object 329 =================== 330 This object is a wrapper for editbone data and is used only in the manipulation 331 of the armature in editmode. 332 @ivar name: The name of this Bone. 333 @type name: String 334 @ivar roll: This Bone's roll value (armaturespace). 335 @type roll: Float 336 @ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace). 337 @type head: Vector Object 338 @ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace). 339 @type tail: Vector Object 340 @ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix. (armaturespace) 341 @type matrix: Matrix Object 342 @ivar parent: The parent Bone. 343 @type parent: Editbone Object 344 @ivar weight: The bone's weight. 345 @type weight: Float 346 @ivar options: Various bone options which can be: 347 - Armature.CONNECTED: IK to parent 348 - Armature.HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling 349 - Armature.NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometry 350 - Armature.MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope 351 - Armature.HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode 352 - Armature.ROOT_SELECTED: Selection of root ball of bone 353 - Armature.BONE_SELECTED: Selection of bone 354 - Armature.TIP_SELECTED: Selection of tip ball of bone 355 @type options: List of Constants 356 @ivar subdivision: The number of bone subdivisions. 357 @type subdivision: Int 358 @ivar deformDist: The deform distance of the bone 359 @type deformDist: Float 360 @ivar length: The length of the bone. This cannot be set. 361 @type length: Float 362 @ivar headRadius: The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones) 363 @type headRadius: Float 364 @ivar tailRadius: The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones) 365 @type tailRadius: Float 366 """ 367
368 - def hasParent():
369 """ 370 Whether or not this bone has a parent 371 @rtype: Bool 372 """
374 - def clearParent():
375 """ 376 Set the parent to None 377 @rtype: None 378 """