3 """
4 The Blender.Particle submodule
7 Particle
8 ========
10 This module provides access to the B{Particle} in Blender.
12 @type TYPE: readonly dictionary
13 @var TYPE: Constant dict used for with L{Particle.TYPE}
14 - HAIR: set particle system to hair mode.
15 - REACTOR: set particle system to reactor mode.
16 - EMITTER: set particle system to emitter mode.
17 @type DISTRIBUTION: readonly dictionary
18 @var DISTRIBUTION: Constant dict used for with L{Particle.DISTRIBUTION}
19 - GRID: set grid distribution.
20 - RANDOM: set random distribution.
21 - JITTERED: set jittered distribution.
22 @type EMITFROM: readonly dictionary
23 @var EMITFROM: Constant dict used for with L{Particle.EMITFROM}
24 - VERTS: set particles emit from vertices
25 - FACES: set particles emit from faces
26 - VOLUME: set particles emit from volume
27 - PARTICLE: set particles emit from particles
28 @type REACTON: readonly dictionary
29 @var REACTON: Constant dict used for with L{Particle.REACTON}
30 - NEAR: react on near
31 - COLLISION: react on collision
32 - DEATH: react on death
33 @type DRAWAS: readonly dictionary
34 @var DRAWAS: Constant dict used for with L{Particle.DRAWAS}
35 - NONE: Don't draw
36 - POINT: Draw as point
37 - CIRCLE: Draw as circles
38 - CROSS: Draw as crosses
39 - AXIS: Draw as axis
40 - LINE: Draw as lines
41 - PATH: Draw pathes
42 - OBJECT: Draw object
43 - GROUP: Draw goup
44 - BILLBOARD: Draw as billboard
45 """
48 """
49 The Particle object
50 ===================
51 This object gives access to paticles data.
53 @ivar seed: Set an offset in the random table.
54 @type seed: int
55 @ivar type: Type of particle system ( Particle.TYPE[ 'HAIR' | 'REACTOR' | 'EMITTER' ] ).
56 @type type: int
57 @ivar resolutionGrid: The resolution of the particle grid.
58 @type resolutionGrid: int
59 @ivar startFrame: Frame number to start emitting particles.
60 @type startFrame: float
61 @ivar endFrame: Frame number to stop emitting particles.
62 @type endFrame: float
63 @ivar editable: Finalize hair to enable editing in particle mode.
64 @type editable: int
65 @ivar amount: The total number of particles.
66 @type amount: int
67 @ivar multireact: React multiple times ( Particle.REACTON[ 'NEAR' | 'COLLISION' | 'DEATH' ] ).
68 @type multireact: int
69 @ivar reactshape: Power of reaction strength, dependent on distance to target.
70 @type reactshape: float
71 @ivar hairSegments: Amount of hair segments.
72 @type hairSegments: int
73 @ivar lifetime: Specify the life span of the particles.
74 @type lifetime: float
75 @ivar randlife: Give the particle life a random variation.
76 @type randlife: float
77 @ivar randemission: Emit particles in random order.
78 @type randemission: int
79 @ivar particleDistribution: Where to emit particles from ( Particle.EMITFROM[ 'PARTICLE' | 'VOLUME' | 'FACES' | 'VERTS' ] )
80 @type particleDistribution: int
81 @ivar evenDistribution: Use even distribution from faces based on face areas or edge lengths.
82 @type evenDistribution: int
83 @ivar distribution: How to distribute particles on selected element ( Particle.DISTRIBUTION[ 'GRID' | 'RANDOM' | 'JITTERED' ] ).
84 @type distribution: int
85 @ivar jitterAmount: Amount of jitter applied to the sampling.
86 @type jitterAmount: float
87 @ivar pf: Emission locations / face (0 = automatic).
88 @type pf:int
89 @ivar invert: Invert what is considered object and what is not.
90 @type invert: int
91 @ivar targetObject: The object that has the target particle system (empty if same object).
92 @type targetObject: Blender object
93 @ivar targetpsys: The target particle system number in the object.
94 @type targetpsys: int
95 @ivar 2d: Constrain boids to a surface.
96 @type 2d: float
97 @ivar maxvel: Maximum velocity.
98 @type maxvel: float
99 @ivar avvel: The usual speed % of max velocity.
100 @type avvel: float
101 @ivar latacc: Lateral acceleration % of max velocity
102 @type latacc: float
103 @ivar tanacc: Tangential acceleration % of max velocity
104 @type tanacc: float
105 @ivar groundz: Default Z value.
106 @type groundz: float
107 @ivar object: Constrain boids to object's surface.
108 @type object: Blender Object
109 @ivar renderEmitter: Render emitter object.
110 @type renderEmitter: int
111 @ivar displayPercentage: Particle display percentage.
112 @type displayPercentage: int
113 @ivar hairDisplayStep: How many steps paths are drawn with (power of 2) in visu mode.
114 @type hairDisplayStep: int
115 @ivar hairRenderStep: How many steps paths are rendered with (power of 2) in render mode."
116 @type hairRenderStep: int
117 @ivar duplicateObject: Get the duplicate object.
118 @type duplicateObject: Blender Object
119 @ivar drawAs: Get draw type Particle.DRAWAS([ 'NONE' | 'OBJECT' | 'POINT' | ... ]).
120 @type drawAs: int
121 """
124 """
125 Free edit mode.
126 @return: None
127 """
129 - def getLoc(all=0,id=0):
130 """
131 Get the particles locations.
132 A list of tuple is returned in particle mode.
133 A list of list of tuple is returned in hair mode.
134 The tuple is a vector of 3 or 4 floats in world space (x,y,z, optionally the particle's id).
135 @type all: int
136 @param all: if not 0 export all particles (uninitialized (unborn or died)particles exported as None).
137 @type id: int
138 @param id: add the particle id in the end of the vector tuple
139 @rtype: list of vectors (tuple of 3 floats and optionally the id) or list of list of vectors
140 @return: list of vectors or list of list of vectors (hair mode) or None if system is disabled
141 """
142 - def getRot(all=0,id=0):
143 """
144 Get the particles' rotations as quaternion.
145 A list of tuple is returned in particle mode.
146 The tuple is vector of 4 or 5 floats (x,y,z,w, optionally the id of the particle).
148 @type all: int
149 @param all: if not 0, export all particles (uninitialized (unborn or died) particles exported as None).
150 @type id: int
151 @param id: add the particle id in the return tuple
152 @rtype: list of tuple of 4 or 5 elements (if id is not zero)
153 @return: list of 4-tuples or None if system is disabled
154 """
157 """
158 Get the particles' material.
159 @rtype: Blender Material
160 @return: The material assigned to particles
161 """
163 - def getSize(all=0,id=0):
164 """
165 Get the particles' size.
166 A list of float or list of tuple (particle's size,particle's id).
167 @type all: int
168 @param all: if not 0, export all particles (uninitialized (unborn or died) particles exported as None).
169 @type id: int
170 @param id: add the particle id in the return tuple
171 @rtype: list of floats
172 @return: list of floats or list of tuples if id is not zero (size,id) or None if system is disabled.
173 """
175 - def getAge(all=0,id=0):
176 """
177 Get the particles' age.
178 A list of float or list of tuple (particle's age, particle's id).
179 @type all: int
180 @param all: if not 0, export all particles (uninitialized (unborn or died) particles exported as None).
181 @type id: int
182 @param id: add the particle id in the return tuple
183 @rtype: list of floats
184 @return: list of floats or list of tuples if id is not zero (size,id) or None if system is disabled.
185 """