Module Mathutils
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Module Mathutils

The Blender.Mathutils submodule.


(when accessing it from the Game Engine use Mathutils instead of Blender.Mathutils)

This module provides access to matrices, eulers, quaternions and vectors.


 import Blender
 from Blender import Mathutils
 from Blender.Mathutils import *

 vec = Vector([1,2,3])
 mat = RotationMatrix(90, 4, 'x')
 matT = TranslationMatrix(vec)

 matTotal = mat * matT

 mat3 = matTotal.rotationPart
 quat1 = mat.toQuat()
 quat2 = mat3.toQuat()

 angle = DifferenceQuats(quat1, quat2)
 print angle  
This object gives access to Vectors in Blender.
This object gives access to Eulers in Blender.
This object gives access to Quaternions in Blender.
This object gives access to Matrices in Blender.
Rand(low=0.0, high=1.0)
Return a random number within a range.
Vector object
Intersect(vec1, vec2, vec3, ray, orig, clip=1)
Return the intersection between a ray and a triangle, if possible, return None otherwise.
TriangleArea(vec1, vec2, vec3)
Return the area size of the 2D or 3D triangle defined.
TriangleNormal(vec1, vec2, vec3)
Return the normal of the 3D triangle defined.
QuadNormal(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)
Return the normal of the 3D quad defined.
(Vector object, Vector object)
LineIntersect(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)
Return a tuple with the points on each line respectively closest to the other (when both lines intersect, both vector hold the same value).
AngleBetweenVecs(vec1, vec2)
Return the angle between two vectors.
Vector object
MidpointVecs(vec1, vec2)
Return a vector to the midpoint between two vectors.
Vector object
ProjectVecs(vec1, vec2)
Return the projection of vec1 onto vec2.
Matrix object.
RotationMatrix(angle, matSize, axisFlag, axis)
Create a matrix representing a rotation.
Matrix object.
Create a matrix representing a translation
Matrix object.
ScaleMatrix(factor, matSize, axis)
Create a matrix representing a scaling.
Matrix object.
OrthoProjectionMatrix(plane, matSize, axis)
Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection
Matrix object.
ShearMatrix(plane, factor, matSize)
Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection
Quaternion object
DifferenceQuats(quat1, quat2)
Returns a quaternion represting the rotational difference.
Quaternion object
Slerp(quat1, quat2, factor)
Returns the interpolation of two quaternions.
Vector object.
Create a copy of the Vector object.
Vector object.
CrossVecs(vec1, vec2)
Return the cross product of two vectors.
DotVecs(vec1, vec2)
Return the dot product of two vectors.
Vector object
VecMultMat(vec, mat)
Multiply a vector and matrix (pre-multiply) Vector size and matrix column size must equal.
Matrix object.
Create a copy of the Matrix object.
Vector object
MatMultVec(mat, vec)
Multiply a matrix and a vector (post-multiply) Vector size and matrix row size must equal.
Quaternion object.
Create a copy of the Quaternion object.
Quaternion object.
CrossQuats(quat1, quat2)
Return the cross product of two quaternions.
DotQuats(quat1, quat2)
Return the dot product of two quaternions.
Euler object
Create a new euler object.
RotateEuler(euler, angle, axis)
Roatate a euler by an amount in degrees around an axis.
  __package__ = None
Function Details

Rand(low=0.0, high=1.0)


Return a random number within a range. low and high represent are optional parameters which represent the range from which the random number must return its result.

  • low (float) - The lower range.
  • high (float) - The upper range.

Intersect(vec1, vec2, vec3, ray, orig, clip=1)


Return the intersection between a ray and a triangle, if possible, return None otherwise.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec3 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • ray (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the orientation of the ray. the length of the ray is not used, only the direction.
  • orig (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the origin of the ray.
  • clip (integer) - if 0, don't restrict the intersection to the area of the triangle, use the infinite plane defined by the triangle.
Returns: Vector object
The intersection between a ray and a triangle, if possible, None otherwise.

TriangleArea(vec1, vec2, vec3)


Return the area size of the 2D or 3D triangle defined.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 2d or 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 2d or 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec3 (Vector object.) - A 2d or 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
Returns: float
The area size of the 2D or 3D triangle defined.

TriangleNormal(vec1, vec2, vec3)


Return the normal of the 3D triangle defined.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
  • vec3 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one corner of the triangle.
Returns: float
The normal of the 3D triangle defined.

QuadNormal(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)


Return the normal of the 3D quad defined.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the first vertex of the quad.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the second vertex of the quad.
  • vec3 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the third vertex of the quad.
  • vec4 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, the fourth vertex of the quad.
Returns: float
The normal of the 3D quad defined.

LineIntersect(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)


Return a tuple with the points on each line respectively closest to the other (when both lines intersect, both vector hold the same value). The lines are evaluated as infinite lines in space, the values returned may not be between the 2 points given for each line.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one point on the first line.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, another point on the first line.
  • vec3 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, one point on the second line.
  • vec4 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector, another point on the second line.
Returns: (Vector object, Vector object)
A tuple with the points on each line respectively closest to the other.



Create a copy of the Vector object.

  • vector (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector to be copied.
Returns: Vector object.
A new vector object which is a copy of the one passed in.

Attention: DEPRECATED use vector.copy() instead.

CrossVecs(vec1, vec2)


Return the cross product of two vectors.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 3d vector.
Returns: Vector object.
A new vector representing the cross product of the two vectors.

Attention: DEPRECATED use vector.cross(other) instead.

DotVecs(vec1, vec2)


Return the dot product of two vectors.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
Returns: float
Return the scalar product of vector muliplication.

Attention: DEPRECATED use instead.

AngleBetweenVecs(vec1, vec2)


Return the angle between two vectors. Zero length vectors raise an error.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 2d or 3d vector.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 2d or 3d vector.
Returns: float
The angle between the vectors in degrees.
  • AttributeError - When there is a zero-length vector as an argument.

MidpointVecs(vec1, vec2)


Return a vector to the midpoint between two vectors.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
Returns: Vector object
The vector to the midpoint.

VecMultMat(vec, mat)


Multiply a vector and matrix (pre-multiply) Vector size and matrix column size must equal.

  • vec (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
  • mat (Matrix object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d matrix.
Returns: Vector object
The row vector that results from the muliplication.

Attention: DEPRECATED You should now multiply vector * matrix direcly Example:

   result = myVector * myMatrix

ProjectVecs(vec1, vec2)


Return the projection of vec1 onto vec2.

  • vec1 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
  • vec2 (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
Returns: Vector object
The parallel projection vector.

RotationMatrix(angle, matSize, axisFlag, axis)


Create a matrix representing a rotation.

  • angle (float) - The angle of rotation desired.
  • matSize (int) - The size of the rotation matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d.
  • axisFlag (string (optional)) - Possible values:
    • "x - x-axis rotation"
    • "y - y-axis rotation"
    • "z - z-axis rotation"
    • "r - arbitrary rotation around vector"
  • axis (Vector object. (optional)) - The arbitrary axis of rotation used with "R"
Returns: Matrix object.
A new rotation matrix.



Create a matrix representing a translation

  • vector (Vector object) - The translation vector
Returns: Matrix object.
An identity matrix with a translation.

ScaleMatrix(factor, matSize, axis)


Create a matrix representing a scaling.

  • factor (float) - The factor of scaling to apply.
  • matSize (int) - The size of the scale matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d.
  • axis (Vector object. (optional)) - Direction to influence scale.
Returns: Matrix object.
A new scale matrix.

OrthoProjectionMatrix(plane, matSize, axis)


Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection

  • plane (string) - Can be any of the following:
    • "x - x projection (2D)"
    • "y - y projection (2D)"
    • "xy - xy projection"
    • "xz - xz projection"
    • "yz - yz projection"
    • "r - arbitrary projection plane"
  • matSize (int) - The size of the projection matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d.
  • axis (Vector object. (optional)) - Arbitrary perpendicular plane vector.
Returns: Matrix object.
A new projeciton matrix.

ShearMatrix(plane, factor, matSize)


Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection

  • plane (string) - Can be any of the following:
    • "x - x shear (2D)"
    • "y - y shear (2D)"
    • "xy - xy shear"
    • "xz - xz shear"
    • "yz - yz shear"
  • factor (float) - The factor of shear to apply.
  • matSize (int) - The size of the projection matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d.
Returns: Matrix object.
A new shear matrix.



Create a copy of the Matrix object.

  • matrix (Matrix object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d matrix to be copied.
Returns: Matrix object.
A new matrix object which is a copy of the one passed in.

Attention: DEPRECATED Use the matrix copy funtion to make a copy. Example:

   newMat = myMat.copy()

MatMultVec(mat, vec)


Multiply a matrix and a vector (post-multiply) Vector size and matrix row size must equal.

  • vec (Vector object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d vector.
  • mat (Matrix object.) - A 2d,3d or 4d matrix.
Returns: Vector object
The column vector that results from the muliplication.

Attention: DEPRECATED You should use direct muliplication on the arguments Example:

   result = myMatrix * myVector



Create a copy of the Quaternion object.

  • quaternion (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion to be copied.
Returns: Quaternion object.
A new quaternion object which is a copy of the one passed in.

Attention: DEPRECATED You should use the Quaterion() constructor directly to create copies of quaternions Example:

   newQuat = Quaternion(myQuat)

CrossQuats(quat1, quat2)


Return the cross product of two quaternions.

  • quat1 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
  • quat2 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
Returns: Quaternion object.
A new quaternion representing the cross product of the two quaternions.

Attention: DEPRECATED use quat.cross(other) instead.

DotQuats(quat1, quat2)


Return the dot product of two quaternions.

  • quat1 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
  • quat2 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
Returns: float
Return the scalar product of quaternion muliplication.

Attention: DEPRECATED use instead.

DifferenceQuats(quat1, quat2)


Returns a quaternion represting the rotational difference.

  • quat1 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
  • quat2 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
Returns: Quaternion object
Return a quaternion which which represents the rotational difference between the two quat rotations.

Slerp(quat1, quat2, factor)


Returns the interpolation of two quaternions.

  • quat1 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
  • quat2 (Quaternion object.) - Quaternion.
  • factor (float) - The interpolation value
Returns: Quaternion object
The interpolated rotation.



Create a new euler object.

  • euler (Euler object) - The euler to copy
Returns: Euler object
A copy of the euler object passed in.

Attention: DEPRECATED You should use the Euler constructor directly to make copies of Euler objects Example:

   newEuler = Euler(myEuler)

RotateEuler(euler, angle, axis)


Roatate a euler by an amount in degrees around an axis.

  • euler (Euler object) - Euler to rotate.
  • angle (float) - The amount of rotation in degrees
  • axis (string) - axis to rotate around:
    • "x"
    • "y"
    • "z"