Package bpy :: Module types :: Class CompositorNodeTonemap
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Class CompositorNodeTonemap

The Tonemap Object

(no references to this struct found)

Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 1] adaptation
If 0, global; if 1, based on pixel intensity
float in [0, 1] contrast
Set to 0 to use estimate from input image
float in [0, 1] correction
If 0, same for all channels; if 1, each independent
float in [0.001, 3] gamma
If not used, set to 1
Collection of NodeSocket (readonly) inputs
Inputs (Inherited from bpy.types.Node)
float in [-8, 8] intensity
If less than zero, darkens image; otherwise, makes it brighter
float in [0, 1] key
The value the average luminance is mapped to
float array of 2 items in [-10000, 10000] location
Location (Inherited from bpy.types.Node)
string name
Node name. (Inherited from bpy.types.Node)
float in [0.001, 10] offset
Normally always 1, but can be used as an extra control to alter the brightness curve
Collection of NodeSocket (readonly) outputs
Outputs (Inherited from bpy.types.Node)
enum tonemap_type
Tonemap Type in...
enum (readonly) type
Type in... (Inherited from bpy.types.CompositorNode)
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Tonemap Type in...