Package bpy :: Module types :: Class ControlFluidSettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ControlFluidSettings

The Control Fluid Simulation Settings Object

Fluid simulation settings for objects controlling the motion of fluid in the simulation.

(no references to this struct found)

Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 10] attraction_radius
Specifies the force field radius around the control object.
float in [-10, 10] attraction_strength
Force strength for directional attraction towards the control object.
float in [0, 100] end_time
Specifies time when the control particles are deactivated.
float in [5, 100] quality
Specifies the quality which is used for object sampling.
boolean reverse_frames
Reverse control object movement.
float in [0, 100] start_time
Specifies time when the control particles are activated.
enum type
Type of participation in the fluid simulation. (Inherited from bpy.types.FluidSettings)
float in [0, 10] velocity_radius
Specifies the force field radius around the control object.
float in [0, 10] velocity_strength
Force strength of how much of the control object's velocity is influencing the fluid velocity.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Specifies the quality which is used for object sampling. (higher = better but slower)
float in [5, 100]