Package bpy :: Module types :: Class FModifierFunctionGenerator
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Class FModifierFunctionGenerator

The Built-In Function F-Modifier Object

Generates values using a Built-In Function.

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Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean active
F-Curve Modifier is the one being edited (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
boolean additive
Values generated by this modifier are applied on top of the existing values instead of overwriting them.
float in [-inf, inf] amplitude
Scale factor determining the maximum/minimum values.
boolean (readonly) disabled
F-Curve Modifier has invalid settings and will not be evaluated. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
boolean expanded
F-Curve Modifier's panel is expanded in UI. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
enum function_type
Type of built-in function to use.
boolean muted
F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
float in [-inf, inf] phase_multiplier
Scale factor determining the 'speed' of the function.
float in [-inf, inf] phase_offset
Constant factor to offset time by for function.
enum (readonly) type
F-Curve Modifier Type in... (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
float in [-inf, inf] value_offset
Constant factor to offset values by.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Type of built-in function to use. in...
  • SIN
  • COS
  • TAN
  • SQRT
  • LN
  • SINC