Package bpy :: Module types :: Class FModifierLimits
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Class FModifierLimits

The Limits F-Modifier Object

Limits the time/value ranges of the modified F-Curve.

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Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean active
F-Curve Modifier is the one being edited (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
boolean (readonly) disabled
F-Curve Modifier has invalid settings and will not be evaluated. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
boolean expanded
F-Curve Modifier's panel is expanded in UI. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
float in [-inf, inf] maximum_x
Highest X value to allow.
float in [-inf, inf] maximum_y
Highest Y value to allow.
float in [-inf, inf] minimum_x
Lowest X value to allow.
float in [-inf, inf] minimum_y
Lowest Y value to allow.
boolean muted
F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated. (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
enum (readonly) type
F-Curve Modifier Type in... (Inherited from bpy.types.FModifier)
boolean use_maximum_x
Use the maximum X value.
boolean use_maximum_y
Use the maximum Y value.
boolean use_minimum_x
Use the minimum X value.
boolean use_minimum_y
Use the minimum Y value.