Package bpy :: Module types :: Class GPencilLayer
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[frames] | no frames]

Class GPencilLayer

The Grease Pencil Layer Object

Collection of related sketches


Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean active
Layer is 'active' layer being edited.
GPencilFrame (readonly) active_frame
Frame currently being displayed for this layer.
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] color
Color that all sketches in this layer are drawn with.
Collection of GPencilFrame (readonly) frames
Sketches for this layer on different frames.
boolean hide
Layer doesn't get drawn.
string info
Description of layer (maximum length of 128)
int in [1, 10] line_thickness
Thickness of strokes (in pixels).
boolean locked
Layer is protected from further editing and/or frame changes.
int in [0, 120] max_ghost_range
Maximum number of frames on either side of the active frame to show.
float in [0.3, 1] opacity
Visibility of strokes.
boolean selected
Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet.
boolean show_points
Draw the points which make up the strokes (for debugging purposes).
boolean use_onion_skinning
Ghost frames on either side of frame.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Maximum number of frames on either side of the active frame to show. (0 = just show the 'first' available sketch on either side)
int in [0, 120]