Package bpy :: Module types :: Class IntProperty
[hide private]
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Class IntProperty

The Int Definition Object

RNA integer number property definition.

(no references to this struct found)

Instance Variables [hide private]
int (readonly) in [0, inf] array_length
Maximum length of the array, 0 means unlimited.
int (readonly) in [-inf, inf] default
Default value for this number
int array of 3 items (readonly) in [-inf, inf] default_array
Default value for this array
string (readonly) description
Description of the property for tooltips. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
boolean (readonly) editable
Property is editable through RNA. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
int (readonly) in [-inf, inf] hard_max
Maximum value used by buttons.
int (readonly) in [-inf, inf] hard_min
Minimum value used by buttons.
string (readonly) identifier
Unique name used in the code and scripting. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
string (readonly) name
Human readable name. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
boolean (readonly) registered
Property is registerd as part of type registration. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
boolean (readonly) registered_optional
Property is optionally registerd as part of type registration. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
int (readonly) in [-inf, inf] soft_max
Maximum value used by buttons.
int (readonly) in [-inf, inf] soft_min
Minimum value used by buttons.
Struct (readonly) srna
Struct definition used for properties assigned to this item. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
int (readonly) in [0, inf] step
Step size used by number buttons, for floats 1/100th of the step size.
enum (readonly) subtype
Semantic interpretation of the property. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
enum (readonly) type
Data type of the property. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
enum (readonly) unit
Type of units for this property. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)
boolean (readonly) use_return
True when this property is a return value from an rna function.. (Inherited from bpy.types.Property)