Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Material :: Class MaterialRaytraceTransparency
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Class MaterialRaytraceTransparency

The Material Raytrace Transparency Object

Raytraced refraction settings for a Material datablock.


Instance Variables [hide private]
int in [0, 10] depth
Maximum allowed number of light inter-refractions.
float in [0.1, 10] falloff
Falloff power for transmissivity filter effect (1.0 is linear).
float in [0, 1] filter
Amount to blend in the material's diffuse color in raytraced transparency (simulating absorption).
float in [0, 5] fresnel
Power of Fresnel for transparency (Ray or ZTransp).
float in [1, 5] fresnel_factor
Blending factor for Fresnel.
float in [0, 1] gloss_factor
The clarity of the refraction.
int in [0, 1024] gloss_samples
Number of cone samples averaged for blurry refractions.
float in [0, 1] gloss_threshold
Threshold for adaptive sampling.
float in [1, 3] ior
Sets angular index of refraction for raytraced refraction.
float in [0, 100] limit
Maximum depth for light to travel through the transparent material before becoming fully filtered (0.0 is disabled).
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


The clarity of the refraction. Values < 1.0 give diffuse, blurry refractions.
float in [0, 1]


Threshold for adaptive sampling. If a sample contributes less than this amount (as a percentage), sampling is stopped.
float in [0, 1]