Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Material :: Class MaterialStrand
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Class MaterialStrand

The Material Strand Object

Strand settings for a Material datablock.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 10] blend_distance
Worldspace distance over which to blend in the surface normal.
boolean blender_units
Use Blender units for widths instead of pixels.
float in [0.001, 10] min_size
Minimum size of strands in pixels.
float in [0, inf] root_size
Start size of strands in pixels or Blender units.
float in [-0.9, 0.9] shape
Positive values make strands rounder, negative makes strands spiky.
boolean surface_diffuse
Make diffuse shading more similar to shading the surface.
boolean tangent_shading
Uses direction of strands as normal for tangent-shading.
float in [0, inf] tip_size
End size of strands in pixels or Blender units.
string uv_layer
Name of UV layer to override.
float in [0, 2] width_fade
Transparency along the width of the strand.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Name of UV layer to override. (maximum length of 32)