Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Material :: Class MaterialVolume
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Class MaterialVolume

The Material Volume Object

Volume rendering settings for a Material datablock.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [-1, 1] asymmetry
Back scattering (-1.0) to Forward scattering (1.0) and the range in between.
int in [0, 1024] cache_resolution
Resolution of the voxel grid, low resolutions are faster, high resolutions use more memory.
float in [0, 1] density
The base density of the volume
float in [0, inf] density_scale
Multiplier for the material's density
float in [0, 1] depth_cutoff
Stop ray marching early if transmission drops below this luminance - higher values give speedups in dense volumes at the expense of accuracy.
float in [0, inf] emission
Amount of light that gets emitted by the volume
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] emission_color
Emission Color
boolean external_shadows
Receive shadows from sources outside the volume (temporary)
boolean light_cache
Pre-calculate the shading information into a voxel grid, speeds up shading at slightly less accuracy
enum lighting_mode
Method of shading, attenuating, and scattering light through the volume in...
float in [0, inf] ms_diffusion
Diffusion factor, the strength of the blurring effect
float in [0, inf] ms_intensity
Multiplier for multiple scattered light energy
int in [0, 1024] ms_spread
Simulation steps, the effective distance over which the light is diffused
float in [0, inf] reflection
Multiplier to make out-scattered light brighter or darker (non-physically correct)
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] reflection_color
Colour of light scattered out of the volume (does not affect transmission)
float in [0, inf] scattering
Amount of light that gets scattered out by the volume - the more out-scattering, the shallower the light will penetrate
enum step_calculation
Method of calculating the steps through the volume in...
float in [0, inf] step_size
Distance between subsequent volume depth samples.
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] transmission_color
Result color of the volume, after other light has been scattered/absorbed
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Method of shading, attenuating, and scattering light through the volume in...


Method of calculating the steps through the volume in...