Package bpy :: Module types :: Class MeshTextureFace
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class MeshTextureFace

The Mesh Texture Face Object

UV mapping, texturing and game engine data for a face.


Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean alpha_sort
Enable sorting of faces for correct alpha drawing (slow, use Clip Alpha instead when possible)
boolean billboard
Billboard with Z-axis constraint
boolean collision
Use face for collision and ray-sensor detection
boolean halo
Screen aligned billboard
Image image
boolean invisible
Make face invisible
boolean light
Use light for face
boolean object_color
Use ObColor instead of vertex colors
boolean shadow
Face is used for shadow
boolean shared
Blend vertex colors across face when vertices are shared
boolean tex
Render face with texture
boolean text
Enable bitmap text on face
enum transp
Transparency blending mode in...
boolean twoside
Render face twosided
float array of 8 items in [-inf, inf] uv
float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf] uv1
UV 1
float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf] uv2
UV 2
float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf] uv3
UV 3
float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf] uv4
UV 4
boolean array of 4 items uv_pinned
UV Pinned
boolean array of 4 items uv_selected
UV Selected
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Transparency blending mode in...
  • ADD