Package bpy :: Module types :: Class NlaStrip
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class NlaStrip

The NLA Strip Object

A container referencing an existing Action.


Instance Variables [hide private]
Action action
Action referenced by this strip.
float in [-inf, inf] action_end_frame
Action End Frame
float in [-inf, inf] action_start_frame
Action Start Frame
boolean (readonly) active
NLA Strip is active.
boolean animated_influence
Influence setting is controlled by an F-Curve rather than automatically determined.
boolean animated_time
Strip time is controlled by an F-Curve rather than automatically determined.
boolean auto_blending
Number of frames for Blending In/Out is automatically determined from overlapping strips.
float in [-inf, inf] blend_in
Number of frames at start of strip to fade in influence.
float in [-inf, inf] blend_out
Blend Out
enum blending
Method used for combining strip's result with accumulated result.
float in [-inf, inf] end_frame
End Frame
enum extrapolation
Action to take for gaps past the strip extents.
Collection of FCurve (readonly) fcurves
F-Curves for controlling the strip's influence and timing.
float in [0, 1] influence
Amount the strip contributes to the current result.
Collection of FModifier (readonly) modifiers
Modifiers affecting all the F-Curves in the referenced Action.
boolean muted
NLA Strip is not evaluated.
string name
Name (maximum length of 64)
float in [0.1, 1000] repeat
Number of times to repeat the action range.
boolean reversed
NLA Strip is played back in reverse order (only when timing is automatically determined).
float in [0.0001, 1000] scale
Scaling factor for action.
boolean selected
NLA Strip is selected.
float in [-inf, inf] start_frame
Start Frame
float in [-inf, inf] strip_time
Frame of referenced Action to evaluate.
Collection of NlaStrip (readonly) strips
NLA Strips that this strip acts as a container for (if it is of type Meta).
enum (readonly) type
Type of NLA Strip.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Method used for combining strip's result with accumulated result. in...
  • ADD


Action to take for gaps past the strip extents. in...
  • HOLD


Type of NLA Strip. in...
  • CLIP
  • META
enum (readonly)