Package bpy :: Module types :: Class ParticleFluidSettings
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Class ParticleFluidSettings

The Particle Fluid Simulation Settings Object

Fluid simulation settings for objects storing fluid particles generated by the simulation.

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Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 2] alpha_influence
Amount of particle alpha change, inverse of size influence: 0=off (all same alpha), 1=full.
boolean drops
Show drop particles.
boolean floats
Show floating foam particles.
float in [0, 2] particle_influence
Amount of particle size scaling: 0=off (all same size), 1=full (range 0.2-2.0), >1=stronger.
string path
Directory (and/or filename prefix) to store and load particles from.
boolean tracer
Show tracer particles.
enum type
Type of participation in the fluid simulation. (Inherited from bpy.types.FluidSettings)
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Amount of particle alpha change, inverse of size influence: 0=off (all same alpha), 1=full. (large particles get lower alphas, smaller ones higher values)
float in [0, 2]


Directory (and/or filename prefix) to store and load particles from. (maximum length of 240)