Package bpy :: Module types :: Class SpaceTextEditor
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Class SpaceTextEditor

The Space Text Editor Object

Text editor space data.

(no references to this struct found)

Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean find_all
Search in all text datablocks, instead of only the active one.
string find_text
Text to search for with the find tool.
boolean find_wrap
Search again from the start of the file when reaching the end.
int in [8, 32] font_size
Font size to use for displaying the text.
boolean line_numbers
Show line numbers next to the text.
boolean live_edit
Run python while editing.
boolean overwrite
Overwrite characters when typing rather than inserting them.
string replace_text
Text to replace selected text with using the replace tool.
boolean syntax_highlight
Syntax highlight for scripting.
int in [2, 8] tab_width
Number of spaces to display tabs with.
Text text
Text displayed and edited in this space.
enum (readonly) type
Space data type. (Inherited from bpy.types.Space)
boolean word_wrap
Wrap words if there is not enough horizontal space.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Text to search for with the find tool. (maximum length of 256)


Text to replace selected text with using the replace tool. (maximum length of 256)