Package bpy :: Module types :: Class UserPreferences :: Class UserPreferencesEdit
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[frames] | no frames]

Class UserPreferencesEdit

The Edit Methods Object

Settings for interacting with Blender data.


Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean auto_keyframe_insert_available
Automatic keyframe insertion in available curves.
boolean auto_keyframe_insert_keyingset
Automatic keyframe insertion using active Keying Set.
boolean auto_keying_enable
Automatic keyframe insertion for Objects and Bones.
enum auto_keying_mode
Mode of automatic keyframe insertion for Objects and Bones.
boolean drag_immediately
Moving things with a mouse drag doesn't require a click to confirm (Best for tablet users).
boolean duplicate_action
Causes actions to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_armature
Causes armature data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_curve
Causes curve data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_fcurve
Causes F-curve data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_lamp
Causes lamp data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_material
Causes material data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_mesh
Causes mesh data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_metaball
Causes metaball data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_particle
Causes particle systems to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_surface
Causes surface data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_text
Causes text data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean duplicate_texture
Causes texture data to be duplicated with the object.
boolean enter_edit_mode
Enter Edit Mode automatically after adding a new object.
boolean global_undo
Global undo works by keeping a full copy of the file itself in memory, so takes extra memory.
int in [0, 100] grease_pencil_eraser_radius
Radius of eraser 'brush'.
int in [0, 100] grease_pencil_euclidean_distance
Distance moved by mouse when drawing stroke (in pixels) to include.
int in [0, 100] grease_pencil_manhattan_distance
Pixels moved by mouse per axis when drawing stroke.
boolean grease_pencil_simplify_stroke
Simplify the final stroke.
boolean grease_pencil_smooth_stroke
Smooth the final stroke.
boolean keyframe_insert_needed
Keyframe insertion only when keyframe needed.
enum material_link
Toggle whether the material is linked to object data or the object block in...
enum new_interpolation_type
New Interpolation Type in...
enum object_align
Align newly added objects facing the 3D View direction or the world coordinates in...
boolean snap_rotate
Snap objects and sub-objects to grid units when rotating.
boolean snap_scale
Snap objects and sub-objects to grid units when scaling.
boolean snap_translate
Snap objects and sub-objects to grid units when moving.
int in [0, 32767] undo_memory_limit
Maximum memory usage in megabytes (0 means unlimited).
int in [0, 64] undo_steps
Number of undo steps available (smaller values conserve memory).
boolean use_visual_keying
Use Visual keying automatically for constrained objects.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Mode of automatic keyframe insertion for Objects and Bones. in...


Toggle whether the material is linked to object data or the object block in...


New Interpolation Type in...


Align newly added objects facing the 3D View direction or the world coordinates in...
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