Sort Elements Node¶

The Sort Elements node rearranges geometry elements by changing their indices.
- Geometry
Standard geometry input.
- Selection
The selection of elements to sort, if left blank, all elements are sorted. Non selected elements will be keep their current indices.
- Group ID
Elements with the same group ID are sorted together. If this is not a field, the node has no affect.
- Sort Weight
The sorted values used to do the reordering. If this is not a field, the node has no affect.
- Domain
The domain on which the selection and group ID fields are evaluated.
- Point:
The fields are evaluated on points, control points, and vertices.
- Edge:
The fields are evaluated on the edges of the mesh component.
- Faces:
The fields are evaluated on the faces of the mesh component.
- Spline:
The fields are evaluated on the splines in the curve component.
- Instance:
The fields are evaluated on the top-level instances. Realized instances are ignored.
- Geometry
Standard geometry output.