Mesh Edit Mode tools:
Some Object Mode tools are also present.
- Select
Select or move.
- Select Box
Select geometry by dragging a box.
- Select Circle
Select geometry by dragging a circle.
- Select Lasso
Select geometry by drawing a lasso.
- Extrude Region
Extrude the selected region together freely or along an axis.
- Extrude Along Normals
Extrude Region along their local normal.
- Extrude Individual
Extrude each individual element along their local normal.
- Extrude To Cursor
Extrude selected vertices, edges or faces towards the mouse cursor.
- Inset Faces
Inset selected faces.
- Bevel
Create a bevel from the selected elements.
- Loop Cut
Create a loop cut along the mesh.
- Loop Cut And Slide
Create a loop cut along the mesh and slide it along edges.
- Knife
Create a knife cut in the mesh. Press enter to confirm the cut.
- Bisect
Bisect the mesh.
- Poly Build
Create geometry by adding vertices one by one.
- Spin
Create new geometry by extruding and rotating.
- Spin Duplicate
Create new geometry by duplicating and rotating.
- Smooth
Flatten angles of selected vertices.
- Randomize
Randomize selected vertices.
- Edge Slide
Slide edge along a faces.
- Vertex Slide
Slide vertex along an edge.
- Shrink/Flatten
Shrink selected vertices along their normals.
- Push/Pull
Push or pull (scale) selected elements.
- Shear
Shear selected elements.
- To Sphere
Move vertices outwards in a spherical shape around object center.
- Rip Region
Rip Polygons and move the result.
- Rip Edge
Extend vertices and move the result.