Installation on macOS

Esta guía cubre los siguientes temas:

  1. Instalando Dependencias

  2. Descargando el Repositorio

  3. Setting up the Build Environment


This guide relies heavily on command-line tools. It assumes you are the least familiar with the macOS Terminal application.

Instalando Dependencias

Install those packages or make sure you have them in your system.


Python 3.10 is not yet support, it is recommended to use Python 3.9 or earlier.

Descargando el Repositorio

Simplemente haga una revisión del manual de blender usando:

cd ~
svn checkout

Ahora se descargará el repositorio, lo que puede demorar unos minutos dependiendo de tu conexión a Internet.

Setting up the Build Environment

  • Abre una ventana de Terminal.

  • Enter the blender_docs folder which was just added by the SVN checkout:

    cd ~/blender_docs
  • Inside that folder is a file called requirements.txt which contains a list of all the dependencies we need. To install these dependencies, we can use the pip command:

    sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Every now and then you may want to make sure your dependencies are up to date using:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade