Barra de Herramientas


Moves vertices inward or outward based on the average normal.

Draw Sharp

Moves vertices inward or outward based the original coordinates and uses the Sharper Falloff.


Similar to the Draw brush, but includes settings to adjust the plane on which the brush acts.

Clay Strips

The same as the Clay brush, but it uses a cube to define the brush area of influence rather than a sphere.


Moves all vertices to an exact height creating a flat layer.


Displaces the mesh in the direction of the vertex normals.


Pushes mesh outward or inward into a spherical shape.


Creates sharp indents or ridges by pushing or pulling the mesh, while pinching the vertices together.


Eliminates irregularities in the mesh by averaging the positions of the vertices.


Smooths vertices to a flat plane by finding an average height and moves vertices towards that height.


Brings vertices below the brush plane upwards.


Brings vertices above the plane downwards.

Multiplane Scrape

Scrapes the mesh with two angled planes at the same time, producing a sharp edge between them.


Pulls vertices towards the center of the brush.


Selects a group of vertices and pulls them to follow the mouse.

Elastic Deform

Used to simulate realistic deformations such as grabbing or twisting of Elastic objects.

Snake Hook

Pulls vertices along with the movement of the brush to create long, snake-like forms.


Flattens the mesh in the brush area, while moving it in the direction of the brush stroke.


Poses a model simulating an armature-like deformations.


Moves vertices in the direction of the brush stroke.

Rotate (Rotar)

Rotates vertices within the brush in the direction the cursor is moved.

Slide Relax

Slides the topology of the mesh in the direction of the stroke without changing the geometrical shape of the mesh.


Transforms and deforms the mesh boundaries.


Simulates cloth that can be sculpted.


Cleans up geometry by collapsing short edges.

Mask (Máscara)

Lets you select mesh parts to be unaffected by other brushes by painting vertex colors.

Multires Displacement Eraser

Deletes displacement information applied on a Multiresolution modifier.

Multires Displacement Smear

Deforms displacement information applied on a Multiresolution modifier.

Box Trim

Creates a mask based on box select.

Lasso Trim

Creates a mask based on lasso select.

Line Mask

Creates a mask based on a line.

Box Face Set

Creates a face set based on box select.

Lasso Face Set

Creates a face set based on lasso select.

Box Trim

Performs a Boolean operation based on box select.

Lasso Trim

Performs a Boolean operation based on lasso select.

Line Project

Flattens the geometry along a drawn line.

Mesh Filter

Applies a deformation to all vertices in the mesh at the same time.

Cloth Filter

Applies a cloth simulation to all vertices in the mesh at the same time.

Edit Face Set

Modifies the face set under the cursor.


Translation tool.

Rotate (Rotar)

Rotation tool.


Scale tool.


Tool to adjust the objects translation, rotations and scale.


Draw free-hand annotation.

Annotate Line

Draw straight line annotation.

Annotate Polygon

Draw a polygon annotation.

Annotate Eraser

Erase previous drawn annotations.