Barra de Herramientas


Seleccionar o mover.

Selección de Caja

Select objects by dragging a box. All objects that intersect the box will be selected.

Select Circle

Select objects by dragging a circle. All objects that intersect the path of the circle will be selected.

Select Lasso

Select objects by drawing a lasso.


Change the location of the 3D Cursor.


Translation tool.


Rotation tool.


Scale tool.

Scale Cage

Change the scale of an object by controlling its cage.


Tool to adjust the objects translation, rotations and scale.


Dibujar anotaciones a mano alzada.

Anotar Línea

Dibujar una anotación de línea recta.

Anotar Polígono

Dibujar una anotación de polígono.

Borrar Anotación

Borra las anotaciones dibujadas anteriormente.


Measure distances in the scene.

Add Cube

Interactively add a cube mesh object.

Add Cone

Interactively add a cone mesh object.

Agregar Cilindro

Interactively add a cylinder mesh object.

Add UV Sphere

Interactively add a UV sphere mesh object.

Add Icosphere

Interactively add an icosphere mesh object.