Grease Pencil Menu
Strokes can be edited by transforming the locations of points.
Move, Rotate & Scale
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Herramienta
Toolbar ‣ Move, Rotate, Scale
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Transform ‣ Move, Rotate, Scale
- Atajo
G, R, S
Like other elements in Blender, points and strokes can be moved G, rotated R or scaled S as described in the Basic Transformations section. When in Edit Mode, Proportional Editing is also available for the transformation actions.
Transform Snapping
Basic move, rotate and scale transformations for selected points/strokes. See Move, Rotate, Scale Basics for more information.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Transform
- Herramienta
Toolbar ‣ Bend/Shear
The Bend, Shear, To Sphere, Extrude and Shrink Fatten transform tools are described in the Editing tools section.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Mirror
- Atajo
The Mirror tool is also available, behaving exactly the same as with mesh vertices.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Snap
- Atajo
Mesh snapping also works with Grease Pencil components.
Capa Activa
- Modo
Edit Mode, Draw Mode
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Active Layer
- Atajo
Select the active layer.
- Modo
Edit Mode, Draw Mode
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Animation
- Atajo
The stroke animation tools are described in the Animation section.
- Modo
Edit Mode, Draw Mode
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Interpolation
The stroke animation tools are described in the Animation section.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Duplicate
- Atajo
Duplicates the selected elements, without creating any connections with the rest of the strokes (unlike Extrude, for example), and places the duplicate at the location of the original elements.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Split
- Atajo
Splits (disconnects) the selected points from the rest of the stroke. The separated points are left exactly at the same position as the original points but they belong to a new stroke.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Copy
- Atajo
Copy the selected points/strokes to the clipboard.
Paste & Paste by Layer
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Paste, Grease Pencil ‣ Paste by Layer
- Atajo
- Tipo
- Paste to Active
Pastes the points/strokes copied from the clipboard into the active layer. This is the default behavior and the mode used when using Grease Pencil ‣ Paste.
- Paste by Layer
Pastes the points/strokes copied from the clipboard into the layer they were copied from.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Separate
- Atajo
Separate the selected elements into a new Grease Pencil object.
- Selected Points
Separate the selected points into a new object.
- Selected Strokes
Separate the selected strokes into a new object. If one point of a stroke is selected, the entire stroke will be separated.
- Capa Activa
Separate all the strokes in the active layer into a new object. See 2D Layers for more information.
These tools help to cleanup degenerate geometry on the strokes.
Boundary Strokes
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Boundary Strokes
Removes boundary strokes used by the Fill tool. See Fill tool for more information.
- Modo
- Active Frame Only
Removes boundary strokes from the current frame.
- All Frames
Removes boundary strokes from all frames.
Boundary Strokes All Frames
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Boundary Strokes all Frames
Same as Boundary Strokes but Mode is set to All Frames.
Delete Loose Points
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Delete Loose Points
Removes unconnected points.
Fusionar por Distancia
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Lápiz de Cera ‣ Limpiar ‣ Fusionar por Distancia
Merge by Distance is a useful tool to simplify a stroke by merging the selected points that are closer than a specified distance to each other. Note, unless using Unselected, selected points must be contiguous, else they will not be merged.
- Merge Distance
Sets the distance threshold for merging points.
- No seleccionado
Allows points in selection to be merged with unselected points. When disabled, selected points will only be merged with other selected ones.
Delete Duplicate Frames
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Delete Duplicated Frames
Removes any duplicated animation frames.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Reproject
Sometimes you may have drawn strokes unintentionally in different locations in the 3D space but they look right from a certain plane or from the camera view. You can use Reproject to flatten all the selected strokes from a certain viewpoint.
- Reprojected Type
- Frontal
Reproject selected strokes onto the front plane (XZ).
- Lado
Reproject selected strokes onto the side plane (YZ).
- Superior
Reproject selected strokes onto the top plane (XY).
- Vista
Reproject selected strokes onto the current view.
- Superficie
Reproject selected strokes onto the mesh surfaces.
- Cursor
Reproject selected strokes onto 3D cursor rotation.
- Conservar Original
Maintains the original strokes after applying the tool.
![]() Original drawing from the front view. |
![]() Original drawing in the 3D Viewport. |
![]() Strokes reprojected onto the front plane to fix strokes misalignment. |
![]() Drawing after reprojection operation from the front view. |
Recalcular Geometría
- Modo
Edit Mode and Draw Mode
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Recalculate Geometry
This operator updates all internal geometry data. It is not intended that you will have to use this operator but it can help in cases where strokes are drawn in a strange way or when you opened an old file.
- Modo
Modo Edición
- Menú
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete
- Atajo
X, Delete, Ctrl-X
Options for the Erase pop-up menu:
- Points
Deletes the selected points. When only one point remains, there is no more visible stroke, and when all points are deleted, the stroke itself is deleted.
- Strokes
Deletes all the strokes that selected points belongs to.
- Fotogramas
Deletes all the strokes at the current frame and in the current layer/channel.
- Dissolve Ctrl-X
Deletes the selected points without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
- Dissolve between Ctrl-X
Deletes all the points between the selected points without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
- Dissolve Unselect Ctrl-X
Deletes all the points that are not selected in the stroke without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
- Delete All Active Frames
Deletes all the strokes at the current frame in all layers/channels.