Nodo Gradiente
The Gradient Texture node generates interpolated color and intensity values based on the input vector.
- Vector
Coordenada de texturizado en donde tomar una muestra; de forma predefinida se utilizarán las coordenadas Generadas, en caso de que el nodo se encontrara desconectado.
- Tipo
Controls the type of gradient generated.
- Lineal:
Directly outputs the input X coordinate.
- Cuadrático:
Interpolates the input X coordinate quadratically.
- Aceleración:
Uses a combination of quadratic and linear interpolation to generate a smooth gradient from the input X coordinate.
- Diagonal:
Averages the input X and Y coordinates.
- Esférico:
Creates an inverse gradient using the length of the input vector; the maximum value is at (0, 0, 0).
- Esférico cuadrático:
The same as Spherical, except interpolated quadratically.
- Radial:
Outputs a value based on the angle of the input around the Z axis.
- Color
Salida de color de la textura.
- Factor
Texture intensity output.