- Modo:
Modo Esculpido
- Herramienta:
Paints on the active color attribute. Hold Shift to blur painted colors instead.
More information in the Painting Introduction.
Opciones de pincel
- Intensidad
This settings has a different effect on this brush. Instead of defining the strength of each individual step in the stroke, it determines the overall Opacity of the applied color.
Use the Flow setting instead for faster increasing of strength.
- Flujo
Amount of paint that is applied per stroke sample. Used to create fast/slow accumulation effect.
- Wet Mix
Amount of paint that is picked from the surface into the brush color. Can achieve the effect of a wet canvas.
- Wet Persistence
Amount of wet paint that stays in the brush after applying paint to the surface.
- Wet Paint Radius
Ratio between the brush radius and the radius that is going to be used to sample the color to blend in wet paint.
- Densidad
Cantidad de elementos aleatorios que serán afectados por este pincel. Usarlo para un efecto de aerógrafo más detallado. Funcionará mejor con alta resolución.
- Tip Scale X
Scale of the brush tip in the X axis. This is useful for a achieving a painting stroke like a marker or paint roller.