
Esta página lista definiciones de los términos usados tanto en la interfaz de Blender como en este manual.


Cuando varios elementos se encuentren seleccionados, el último en serlo se considerará el elemento activo. Esto será usado en situaciones en las cuales la interfaz sólo pueda mostrar opciones para un elemento a la vez.

Ver también estados de selección.

Alfa directo

Ver Canal Alfa.

Alfa premultiplicado

Ver Canal Alfa.

Aliasing (defecto de imagen)

Son defectos en la imagen procesada, normalmente vistos como lineas serruchadas.

Anillo de bordes

Path of all Edges along a Face Loop that share two faces belonging to that loop.


Simulación de movimiento.

Animación no Lineal

Animation technique that allows the animator to edit motions as a whole, not just the individual keys. Nonlinear animation allows you to combine, mix, and blend different motions to create entirely new animations.

Asset Library

Directory on drive, registered in the list of asset libraries in the preferences. See also Asset Libraries and Current File Asset Library.


A generic term to describe data stored per-element in a geometry data-block.

Área de seguridad de acción

Área de la imagen tomada por la cámara, que será visible en la mayoría de dispositivos. Ubicar el contenido en su interior para asegurarse de que no se muestre recortado.

Área de seguridad de títulos

Area of the screen visible on all devices. Place text and graphics inside this area to make sure they do not get cut off.


The process of computing and storing the result of a potentially time-consuming calculation so as to avoid needing to calculate it again.


A computer graphics technique for generating and representing curves.

Biblioteca de recursos del archivo actual

Asset library that is not a directory on drive, but only reflects the assets in the current blend-file. This library is available regardless of the location of the blend-file. See The Current File Asset Library.


The operation to chamfer or bevel edges of an object.

Bloqueo de cardán

The limitation where axes of rotation can become aligned, losing the ability to rotate on an axis (typically associated with Euler Rotation).

Bone Collection

Collection of bones of an Armature, identified by its name. Bone collections can be used to organise bones and toggle their visibility. See Bone Collections.


A type of logic dealing with binary true/false states.

See also Boolean Modifier.


Straight segment (line) that connects two Vertices, and can be part of a Face.

Bucle de bordes

Chain of Edges belonging to consecutive Quads. An edge loop ends at a pole or a boundary. Otherwise, it is cyclic.

Bucle de caras

Cadena de cuadriláteros consecutivos. Un bucle de caras se detendrá en un Triángulo o un Enégono (los cuales no pertenecerán al bucle) o en un límite. En caso contrario, será cíclico.

Buffer Z

Raster-based storage of the distance measurement between the camera and the surface points. Surface points which are in front of the camera have a positive Z value and points behind have negative values. The Z-depth map can be visualized as a grayscale image.

Bump Mapping

Technique for simulating slight variations in surface height using a grayscale «heightmap» texture.

Jerarquía de volumen delimitador (Bounding Volume Hierarchy)

A hierarchical structure of geometric objects.

See also Bounding Volume Hierarchy on Wikipedia.

Campo de visión

The area in which objects are visible to the camera. Also see Focal Length.

Canal Alfa

Canal adicional en una imagen, para controlar su transparencia.

Alfa directo

Método por medio del cual los canales RVAα son almacenados como canales (R, V, A, α), en donde el valor delos colores no se encuentra afectado por el canal alfa. Este es el tipo de canal alfa usado internamente en programas de pintura como Photoshop o Gimp y es soportado por formato de archivo comunes, tales como PNG, BMP o Targa. De este modo, las texturas o imágenes procesadas para la web utilizan normalmente un alfa directo.

Alfa premultiplicado

Método por medio del cual los canales RVAα son almacenados como canales (R × α, G × α, B × α, α), en donde el valor de los colores se encuentra multiplicado por el valor del canal alfa.

Este es el formato natural de salida de los motores de procesamiento, en donde los canales RVA representan la cantidad de luz que incidirá sobre la cámara y el canal alfa representa qué tanto de la luz de fondo será ocluida. El formato de archivo OpenEXR utiliza este tipo de alfa. Así, usualmente los archivos intermedios en trabajos de procesamiento y composición son almacenados con su alfa premultiplicado.

Conversión de alfa (directo/premultiplicado)

La conversión entre los dos tipos de alfa no es una operación sencilla y puede producir pérdida de datos (debido a que ambos tipos son capaces de representar datos que el otro tipo no), aunque ésto es normalmente sutil.

Una imagen con alfa directo podría ser considerada como una imagen en color RVA con una canal separado de alfa. En las áreas en donde esta máscara sea completamente transparente, aún podrá haber colores en los canales RVA. Al ser convertida a una imagen con el alfa premultiplicado, esta máscara será aplicada y los colores en tales áreas se convertirán en negro, perdiéndose su información.

El alfa premultiplicado, por otra parte, es capaz de representar imágenes procesadas 3D en donde existan elementos que emitan luz o que ésta los atraviese desde atrás. Por ejemplo: un fuego transparente puede estar emitiendo luz, pero también estar siendo atravesado por la luz proveniente de los objetos del fondo. Al convertir una imagen así a alfa directo, este efecto se perderá.

Empacado de Canales

Una mapa de imagen separado será almacenado para cada canal de color y alfa. El empaque de canales es usualmente usado por los motores de juegos para ahorrar y optimizar el acceso a la memoria.


Mesh element that defines a piece of surface. It consists of three or more Edges.

Cara convexa

Face where, if lines were drawn from each vertex to every other vertex, all lines would remain in the face. Opposite of a Concave Face.

Cara cóncava

Face in which one vertex is inside a triangle formed by other vertices of the face.

See also Convex and concave polygons on Wikipedia.


Un soporte pivotante que permite la rotación de un objeto sobre un sólo eje.

Ver también Cardán en Wikipedia.

Catálogo de recursos

Container for assets, similar to what a directory is for files. See also Catálogos de Recursos.


The optical phenomenon of light concentration focused by specular reflections or refracting objects. In example observable on light passing through a glass of water onto a table or the pattern at the bottom of a swimming pool.

In rendering this refers to diffuse reflected light paths after a glossy or refraction bounce.

See also Caustics on Wikipedia.

Centro geométrico

The mean average of the positions of all vertices making up the object.

Ciclo de caminata

In animation, a walk cycle is a character that has just the walking function animated. Later on in the animation process, the character is placed in an environment and the rest of the functions are animated.


Often referring to an object being circular. This term is often associated with Curve.


A subcomponent of a Bone. Has X, Y and Z coordinates measured in the Local Space of the armature object. Used in conjunction with the Head to define the local Y axis of a bone in Pose Mode. The smaller of the two ends when displayed as an Octahedron.


A device for organizing objects. See also Collections.


Refers to any set of elements that are all aligned to the same 2D plane in 3D space.

Código de Tiempo

A coded signal on videotape or film giving information about the frame number and time the frame was recorded. Timecodes are used to sync media between different recording devices, including both audio and video.


In general, a resulting image color decomposition, where its (L or Y) luminance channel is separated. There are two different contexts whereas this term is used:

Sistemas de video

Refers to the general color decomposition resulting in Y (Luminance) and C (Chrominance) channels, whereas the chrominance is represented by: U = ( Blue minus Luminance ) and V = ( Red minus Luminance ).

Composición de mate

Refers to a point in the color gamut surrounded by a mixture of a determined spectrum of its RGB neighboring colors. This point is called Chroma key and this key (a chosen color) is used to create an Alpha Mask. The total amount of gamut space for this chrominance point is defined by users in a circular or square-shaped format.


The coordinates of the Primaries on the CIE 1931 xy chromaticity diagram.

Rotación de Cuaterniones

Rotation method where rotations are defined by four values (X, Y, Z, and W). X, Y, and Z also define an Axis, and W an angle, but it is quite different from Axis Angle.

Quaternion values can be interpreted geometrically as defining a point on a unit sphere in 4D space. Moving along any great circle of the sphere represents rotating around a fixed axis, with one full circle matching two full rotations.


A type of object defined in terms of a line interpolated between Control Vertices. Available types of curves include Bézier, NURBS and Poly.


Una curva de función que define los valores de animación de una propiedad específica.


Las mallas desplegables, también llamadas mallas “herméticas”, definen un volumen cerrado que no se corta a sí mismo (ver también No Desplegable). Una malla múltiple es una malla en la que la estructura de las caras conectadas en un volumen cerrado siempre apuntará las normales (y sus superficies) hacia el exterior o hacia el interior de la malla sin superposiciones. Si vuelve a calcular esas normales, siempre apuntarán en una dirección predecible (hacia el exterior o el interior del volumen). Cuando se trabaja con volúmenes no cerrados, una malla múltiple es una malla en la que las normales siempre definirán dos superficies diferentes y no consecutivas. Una malla múltiple siempre definirá un número par de superficies no superpuestas.

Dielectric Material

A material for real world objects that are electrical insulators such as plastics, wood, glass, ect. Essentially this summarizes any material that is solid and non metallic.

Displacement Mapping

A method for distorting vertices based on an image or texture. Similar to Bump Mapping, but instead operates on the mesh’s actual geometry. This relies on the mesh having enough geometry to represent details in the image.

Distancia Focal

The distance required by a lens to focus collimated light. Defines the magnification power of a lens. Also see Field of View.

Doble buffer

Technique for rendering and displaying content on the screen. Blender uses two buffers (images) to render the interface, the content of one buffer is displayed while rendering occurs on the other buffer. When rendering is complete, the buffers are switched.

Profundidad de Campo

The distance in front of and behind the subject which appears to be in focus. For any given lens setting, there is only one distance at which a subject is precisely in focus, but focus falls off gradually on either side of that distance, so there is a region in which the blurring is tolerable. This region is greater behind the point of focus than it is in front, as the angle of the light rays change more rapidly; they approach being parallel with increasing distance.


A reference line which defines coordinates along one cardinal direction in n-dimensional space.

Eje y ángulo

Rotation method where X, Y, and Z correspond to the axis definition, while W corresponds to the angle around that axis, in radians.


The amount a material is elastic versus inelastic.


Objects that are able to spontaneously return to their original shape after all outside forces are removed from the object.


Crear una relación jerárquica Superior-Subordinado entre dos objetos.

En referencia a la escena

Una imagen cuyo canal de Luminancia no se encuentra limitado.

Ver también En referencia al dispositivo.

En referencia al dispositivo

Se trata de una imagen cuyo canal de Luminancia se encuentra limitado a un cierto rango de valores (usualmente entre 0 y 1). La razón por la que se denomina «en referencia al dispositivo» es porque un dispositivo de visualización (un monitor o pantalla) no es capaz de reproducir un rango infinito de valores. Por esto los valores En referencia a la escena deberán pasar a través de una función de transferencia para ser convertidos de un tipo al otro.


Una Cara que contiene más de cuatro vértices.

Espacio de Color

A coordinate system in which a vector represent a color value. This way the color space defines three things:

The color spaces supported by Blender depend on the active OCIO config. The default supported color spaces are described in detail here: Default OpenColorIO Configuration


A color space that uses the Rec .709 Primaries and a D65 white point, and 2.2 gamma correction value as the transfer function.

Espacio de texturizado

The bounding box to use when using Generated mapping to add a Texture to an image.

Espacio global

See World Space.


Un objeto compuesto de huesos. Usado para crear el Rig de personajes, utilería, etc.

Rotación Euler

Rotation method where rotations are applied to each of the X, Y, Z axes in a specific order.

Euler orders in Blender are most intuitive when read backwards: XYZ Euler is similar to rotating around Local Z using the Rotate tool in the 3D Viewport, followed by Local Y and then Local X.

Fake User

A special Data User, a program construct that is used to mark an object (e.g. material) to be saved in a blend-file, even when no Real User is using the object. Objects that are not used by any Data User are not included in saved blend-files.

Cinemática directa (CD)

The process of determining the movement of interconnected segments or bones of a body or model in the order from the parent bones to the child bones. Using forward kinematics on a hierarchically structured object, you can move the upper arm then the lower arm and hand go along with the movement. Without forward kinematics the lower arm and hand would disconnect from upper arm and would move independently in space.

See also Inverse Kinematics.

Fotograma clave

A frame in an animated sequence drawn or otherwise constructed directly by the animator. In classical animation, when all frames were drawn by animators, the senior artist would draw these frames, leaving the «in between» frames to an apprentice. Now, the animator creates only the first and last frames of a simple sequence (keyframes); the computer fills in the gap.


An operation used to adjust the brightness of an image.

See also Gamma correction on Wikipedia.

Gama de colores

A gamut traditionally refers to the volume of color a particular color model/space can cover. In many instances, it is illustrated via a 2D model using CIE Yxy coordinates.


Relating to the shortest possible path between two points on a curved surface.

Ángulo de giro

The orientation of the local X and Z axes of a Bone. Has no effect on the local Y axis as local Y is determined by the location of the Head and Tail.

Grupo de Vértices

Collection of Vertices. Vertex groups are useful for limiting operations to specific areas of a mesh.

Imagen de alto rango dinámico (High Dynamic Range Image)

A set of techniques that allow a far greater dynamic range of exposures than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to the deepest shadows.

See also HDRI on Wikipedia.


A subcomponent of a Bone. The point of rotation for the bone has X, Y, and Z coordinates measured in the Local Space of the Armature object. Used in conjunction with the Tail to define the local Y axis of the bone in Pose Mode. The larger of the two ends when displayed as an Octahedron.


The building block of an Armature. Made up of a Head, Tail and Roll Angle which define a set of local axes and a point of rotation at the Head. Also see Pose Bone.

Inverse Kinematics

The process of determining the movement of interconnected segments or bones of a body or model in the order from the child bones to the parent bones. Using inverse kinematics on a hierarchically structured object, you can move the hand then the upper and lower arm will automatically follow that movement. Without inverse kinematics the hand would come off the model and would move independently in space.

See also Forward Kinematics.

Iluminación ambiental

La iluminación que proviene del entorno que rodea a la escena.

Iluminación difusa

Even, directed light coming off a surface. For most things, diffuse light is the main lighting we see. Diffuse light comes from a specific direction or location and creates shading. Surfaces facing towards the light source will be brighter, while surfaces facing away from the light source will be darker.

Iluminación directa

The light that has a specific direction, but no location. It seems to come from an infinitely far away source, like the sun. Surfaces facing the light are illuminated more than surfaces facing away, but their location does not matter. A directional light illuminates all objects in the scene, no matter where they are.

Iluminación especular

A light which is reflected precisely, like a mirror. Also used to refer to highlights on reflective objects.

Iluminación global

A superset of Radiosity and ray tracing. The goal is to compute all possible light interactions in a given scene, and thus, obtain a truly photorealistic image. All combinations of diffuse and specular reflections and transmissions must be accounted for. Effects such as color bleeding and caustics must be included in a global illumination simulation.


The process of calculating new data between points of known value, like Keyframes.

Índice de refracción

A property of transparent materials. When a light ray travels through the same volume it follows a straight path. However, if it passes from one transparent volume to another, it bends. The angle by which the ray is bent can be determined by the IOR of the materials of both volumes.


A type of object consisting of a non-renderable three-dimensional grid of vertices.

See also Lattice Modifier.


Inserting Keyframes to build an animated sequence.


Limits a variable to a range. The values over or under the range are set to the constant values of the range’s minimum or maximum.

Línea de barrido

Rendering technique. Much faster than Ray Tracing, but allows fewer effects, such as reflections, refractions, motion blur and focal blur.

Local Space

A 3D coordinate system that originates (for Objects) at the Object Origin. or (for Bones) at the Head of the Bone.

Compare to World Space.


Rendering artifacts encountered with path tracing resulting from improbable samples that contribute very high values to pixels.


The intensity of light either in an image/model channel, or emitted from a surface per square unit in a given direction.


Type of object consisting of Vertices, Edges and Faces.

Mapa de reflectividad

See Roughness Map.

Mapa de rugosidad

A grayscale texture that defines how rough or smooth the surface of a material is. This may also be known as a Glossy Map.

Mapa UV

Defines a relation between the surface of a mesh and a 2D texture. In detail, each face of the mesh is mapped to a corresponding face on the texture. It is possible and often common practice to map several faces of the mesh to the same or overlapping areas of the texture.


Stands for «material capture», using an image to represent a complete material including lighting and reflections.


A grayscale image used to include or exclude parts of an image. A matte is applied as an Alpha Channel, or it is used as a mix factor when applying Color Blend Modes.

Metadatos de recurso

Asset-related information, such as its catalog, description, author, preview, and tags. See Región de Detalles de Recurso.


A polygon roughly the size of a pixel or smaller.


“MIP” is an acronym of the Latin phrase “multum in parvo”, meaning “much in little”. Mip-maps are progressively lower resolution representations of an image, generally reduced by half squared interpolations using Anti-Aliasing. Mip-mapping is the process used to calculate lower resolutions of the same image, reducing memory usage to help speed visualization, but increasing memory usage for calculations and allocation. Mip-mapping is also a process used to create small anti-aliased samples of an image used for texturing. The mip-mapping calculations are made by CPUs, but modern graphic processors can be selected for this task and are way faster.

See the mip-map option present in the System Preferences.

Multiple Importance Sampling

A process of estimating the direction of light rays to improve sampling quality.

See Multiple Importance Sampling and also Importance sampling on Wikipedia.

Modelo de color

A mechanism for representing colors as numbers.


An additive system where three primaries; red, green, and blue are combined to make other colors.


Three values often considered as more intuitive (human perception) than the RGB system. In this model, colors are represented as Hue, Saturation, and Value.


Similar to HSV except the colors are represented as Hue, Saturation, and Luminance.


Luminance-Chrominance standard used in broadcasting analog PAL (European) video.


Luminance-ChannelBlue-ChannelRed component video for digital broadcast use, whose standards have been updated for HDTV and commonly referred to as the HDMI format for component video.


A non-destructive operation that is applied on top of some sort of data.

Modo Pose

Used for Posing, Keyframing, Weight Painting, Constraining and Parenting the Bones of an Armature.

Modos de Mezcla
Modos de fusión de color

Methods for blending two colors together.

See also Blend Modes on Krita docs.

Motion Blur

The phenomenon that occurs when we perceive a rapidly moving object. The object appears to be blurred because of our persistence of vision. Simulating motion blur makes computer animation appear more realistic.

Muestreo múltiple

Rendering multiple samples per pixel, for Anti-Aliasing.

Ratón 3D

A general term used to describe a 3D mouse, or any input devices which supports more degrees of freedom than a conventional 2D input device, see: Touchpad.

No desplegable

Non-Manifold meshes essentially define geometry which cannot exist in the real world. This kind of geometry is not suitable for several types of operations, especially those where knowing the volume (inside/outside) of the object is important (refraction, fluids, Boolean operations, or 3D printing, to name a few). A non-manifold mesh is a mesh in which the structure of a non-overlapped surface (based on its connected faces) will not determine the inside or the outside of a volume based on its normals, defining a single surface for both sides, but ended with flipped normals. When working with non-closed volumes, a non-manifold mesh will always determine at least one discontinuity in the normal directions, either by an inversion of a connected loop, or by an odd number of surfaces. A non-manifold mesh will always define an odd number of surfaces.

There are several types of non-manifold geometry:

  • Some borders and holes (edges with only a single connected face), as faces have no thickness.

  • Edges and vertices not belonging to any face (wire).

  • Edges connected to three or more faces (interior faces).

  • Vertices belonging to faces that are not adjoining (e.g. two cones sharing the vertex at the apex).

Ver también: Herramienta Seleccionar no desplegables.


El vector normalizado perpendicular a la superficie.

Normals can be assigned to vertices, faces and modulated across a surface using Normal Mapping.

Ver también Normales en Wikipedia.

Normal de cara

The normalized vector perpendicular to the plane that a Face lies in. Each face has its own normal.

Normal Mapping

Is similar to Bump Mapping, but instead of the image being a grayscale heightmap, the colors define in which direction the normal should be shifted, the three color channels being mapped to the three directions X, Y and Z. This allows more detail and control over the effect.

Nube de Puntos

Una lista de puntos en el espacio 3D.

Spline básica racional no uniforme (Non-uniform Rational Basis Spline)

Una técnica de gráfica computacional para generar y representar curvas y superficies.


Contenedor para un tipo (malla, curva, superficie, matabola, texto, esqueleto, jaula, vacío, cámara luz) y sus datos básicos de transformación en 3D (Origen de objeto).

Obturador progresivo

In real CMOS cameras the sensor is read out with scanlines and hence different scanlines are sampled at a different moment in time. This, for example, make vertical straight lines being curved when doing a horizontal camera pan. See also Rolling Shutter on Wikipedia.

Oclusión ambiental

Una proporción de qué tanta Iluminación ambiental recibirá potencialmente un cierto punto de una superficie. Si un punto de una superficie se encontrara bajo un pie o una mesa, terminará resultando mucho más oscuro que un punto en la cima de una cabeza o en la parte de arriba de una mesa.


An eight-sided figure commonly used to depict the Bones of an Armature.


The graphics system used by Blender (and many other graphics applications) for rendering 3D graphics, often taking advantage of hardware acceleration.

See also OpenGL on Wikipedia.


An executable action that is completed the moment they’re initiated. See Operadores as described in the user interface section.

Origen de objeto
Centro de objeto

A reference point used to position, rotate, and scale an Object and to define its Local Space coordinates.


A user interface element that contains buttons. Panels are collapsible to hide there contents and can often be rearranged. See Paneles as described in the user interface section.


Local illumination model that can produce a certain degree of realism in three-dimensional objects by combining three elements: diffuse, specular and ambient for each considered point on a surface. It has several assumptions – all lights are points, only surface geometry is considered, only local modeling of diffuse and specular, specular color is the same as light color, ambient is a global constant.

Pintado de influencias

Assigning Vertices to a Vertex Group with a weight of 0.0 - 1.0.


The smallest unit of information in a 2D raster image, representing a single color made up of red, green, and blue channels. If the image has an Alpha Channel, the pixel will contain a corresponding fourth channel.


Property of an Edge. Used to define the sharpness of edges in Subdivision Surface meshes.


Vertex where three, five, or more edges meet. A vertex connected to one, two, or four edges is not a pole.

Pose Bone

Pose-specific properties of a Bone, such as its location / rotation / scale relative to the Armature’s rest pose. Its properties are stored on the Object, and thus can be different for each user of the Armature. The Pose Bone also stores constraints.


Moving, Rotating and Scaling the Pose Bones of an Armature to achieve an aesthetically pleasing pose for a character.


In color theory, primaries (often known as primary colors) are the abstract lights, using an absolute model, that make up a Color Space.


A basic object that can be used as a basis for modeling more complicated objects.


The process of computationally generating a 2D image from 3D geometry.

Profundidad de bits

The exponent value (with base two) for how many colors can be represented within a single color channel. A higher bit depth will allow more possible colors, reducing banding, and increasing precision. Yet a higher bit depth will increase memory usage exponentially.


In computer graphics, there are two common camera projections used.


A perspective view is geometrically constructed by taking a scene in 3D and placing an observer at point O. The 2D perspective scene is built by placing a plane (e.g. a sheet of paper) where the 2D scene is to be rendered in front of point O, perpendicular to the viewing direction. For each point P in the 3D scene a PO line is drawn, passing by O and P. The intersection point S between this PO line and the plane is the perspective projection of that point. By projecting all points P of the scene you get a perspective view.


In an orthographic projection, you have a viewing direction but not a viewing point O. The line is then drawn through point P so that it is parallel to the viewing direction. The intersection S between the line and the plane is the orthographic projection of the point P. By projecting all points P of the scene you get the orthographic view.

Punto de blanco

A reference value for white light when all primaries of a color model are combined evenly.

A white point is defined by a set of CIE illuminates which correspond to a color temperature. For example, D65 corresponds to 6500 K light and D70 corresponding to 7000 K.

Punto de Pivote

The pivot point is the point in space around which all rotation, scaling and mirror transformations are centered.

Ver también los documentos de Punto de pivote.


Face that contains exactly four Vertices.


A global lighting method that calculates patterns of light and shadow for rendering graphics images from three-dimensional models. One of the many different tools which can simulate diffuse lighting in Blender.

See also Radiosity (computer graphics) on Wikipedia.

Rebotes de luz

Refers to the reflection or transmission of a light ray upon interaction with a material. See also Light Paths.


Curated data-blocks that are meant for reuse, usually contained in an Asset Library. See also Asset Libraries.

Note that there are other meanings of the word «asset» – sometimes this is used more generically, and refers to any «useful thing», like images, models, materials, and more.


For video editing, a proxy is a smaller version of the original file, typically using an optimized video codec and lower resolution version (faster to load) that stands in for the main image or video.

When proxies are built, editing functions like scrubbing and scrolling and compositing is much faster but gives lower resolution and slightly imprecise result.


The change in direction of a wave due to a change in velocity. It happens when waves travel from a medium with a given Index of Refraction to a medium with another. At the boundary between the media, the wave changes direction; its wavelength increases or decreases but frequency remains constant.


External files such as images, sounds, fonts and volumes files that can be packed into a blend-file.


A way of controlling one Object with data from another.


Un sistema de relaciones que determina cómo se controlará el movimiento de algo. El acto de construir tal sistema.


A color model based on the traditional primary colors, Red/Green/Blue. RGB colors are also directly broadcasted to most computer monitors.


Also known as colorfulness, saturation is the quantity of hue in the color (from desaturated – a shade of gray – to saturated – brighter colors).

Segmento de curva

La parte de una curva que conecta dos puntos de control adyacentes.

Semilla Aleatoria

Blender uses pseudo random number generators, which produce numbers that appear to be random, but given the same initial condition, they will always produce the exact same sequence of numbers.

This is a critical feature to get reproducible and/or stable effects (otherwise e.g. your hair simulation would change every time you re-run it, without any way to control the outcome).

The seed is a number that represents the initial condition of a random generator, if you change its seed, it will produce a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers.

See also Random seed on Wikipedia.

Sesión de Blender

El intervalo de tiempo de una instancia de Blender. La sesión comienza iniciando una instancia de Blender y finaliza cerrándola.

En algunos casos, la carga de un archivo nuevo puede considerarse el comienzo de una nueva sesión. Si es así, la documentación debe mencionarlo.

Sistema de partículas

Technique that simulates certain kinds of fuzzy phenomena, which are otherwise very hard to reproduce with conventional rendering techniques. Common examples include fire, explosions, smoke, sparks, falling leaves, clouds, fog, snow, dust, meteor tails, stars, and galaxies, or abstract visual effects like glowing trails, magic spells. Also used for things like fur, grass or hair.


The term used to describe the situation. when not all of a televised image is present on a viewing screen.

See also Overscan on Wikipedia.


Process of altering the color of an object/surface in the 3D scene, based on its angle to lights and its distance from lights to create a photorealistic effect.


Es una técnica para minimizar los defectos de imagen (Aliasing), mediante el uso de, por ejemplo, múltiples muestras por cada píxel.


Defines how Faces are shaded. Faces can be either solid (faces are rendered flat) or smooth (faces are smoothed by interpolating the normal on every point of the face).

Subdividir superficie

A method of creating smooth higher poly surfaces which can take a low polygon mesh as input.

See also Catmull-Clark subdivision surface on Wikipedia.


Técnica para agregar más geometría a una malla. Creará nuevos vértices en bordes subdivididos, nuevos bordes entre subdivisiones y nuevas caras basadas en nuevos bordes. Si los nuevos bordes se cruzaran, se creará un nuevo vértice en su intersección.


Un Objeto que es afectado por su Superior.


Un Objeto que afecta a sus objetos subordinados.

Balanceo y torsión

Refers to decomposition of an arbitrary rotation into a sequence of two single axis rotations: a swing rotation that aims a chosen axis in its final direction using the shortest possible rotation path, followed by a twist rotation around that axis.

This decomposition is available through Driver Variables and inputs of the Transformation constraint. The Damped Track constraint produces a pure swing rotation.

In the Quaternion representation the swing rotation always has 0 as the X/Y/Z component corresponding to the selected axis, while twist always has 0 as the other two components.


A line that intersects a surface at exactly one point, a tangent is perpendicular to a Normal.


The tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes usually resulting in Micropolygons.


Specifies visual patterns on surfaces and simulates physical surface structure.

Textura procedimental

Computer generated (generic) textures that can be configured via different parameters.

Tipos de fotograma

In video compression, a frame can be compressed by several different algorithms. These algorithms are known as picture types or frame types and there are three major types: I, P, and B frames.

Fotogramas I

The least compressible but don’t require other video frames to decode.

Fotogramas P

Use data from previous frames to decompress and are more compressible than I‑frames.

Fotogramas B

Use both previous and forward frames for data reference to get the highest amount of compression.


A shade of light out of the color spectrum.


The arrangement of Vertices, Edges, and Faces which define the shape of a mesh. See Vertex, Edge, and Face.


The combination of location, rotation, and scale. Can be expressed in World Space or Local Space.

Dispersión subsuperficial (SSS)

Mechanism of light transport in which light penetrates the surface of a translucent object, is scattered by interacting with the material, and exits the surface at a different point. All non-metallic materials are translucent to some degree. In particular, materials such as marble, skin, and milk are extremely difficult to simulate realistically without taking subsurface scattering into account.

Trazado de rayos

Rendering technique that works by tracing the path taken by a ray of light through the scene, and calculating reflection, refraction, or absorption of the ray whenever it intersects an object in the world. More accurate than Scanline, but much slower.


Face with exactly three Vertices.

Usuario de datos

An existing Blender object, which is using its own data, or linked data (data owned and controlled by another Blender object).

Usuario real

A Blender object, which is a Data User. Opposite of Fake User, which is only a program construct.


An Object without any Vertices, Edges or Faces.


The brightness of the color (dark to light).


A point in 3D space containing a location. Vertices are the terminating points of Edges.

Volumen Delimitador

The box that encloses the shape of an object. The box is aligned with the local space of the object.


A cubic 3D equivalent to the square 2D pixel. The name is a combination of the terms «Volumetric» and «Pixel». Used to store smoke and fire data from physics simulations.

World Space

A 3D coordinate system that originates at a point at the origin of the world. Compare to Local Space.