Geometry Nodes¶ Johdanto Inspection Attributes Fields Instances Baking Node-Based Tools Gizmos Solmityypit¶ Attribute Nodes Attribute Statistic Node Domain Size Node Blur Attribute Node Capture Attribute Node Remove Named Attribute Node Store Named Attribute Node Input Nodes Constant Boolean Node Color Node Image Node Integer Node Material Node Rotation Node String Node Value Node Vector Node Gizmo Dial Gizmo Linear Gizmo Transform Gizmo Scene 3D Cursor Node Active Camera Node Collection Info Node Image Info Node Is Viewport Node Mouse Position Node Object Info Node Scene Time Node Self Object Node Viewport Transform Node Output Nodes Warning Node Viewer Node Geometry Nodes Read ID Node Index Node Named Attribute Node Normal Node Position Node Radius Node Selection Node Active Element Node Sample Geometry Proximity Node Index of Nearest Raycast Node Sample Index Node Sample Nearest Node Write Set Geometry Name Node Set ID Node Set Position Node Set Selection Node Operations Bake Node Bounding Box Node Convex Hull Node Delete Geometry Node Duplicate Elements Node Merge by Distance Node Split To Instances Node Sort Elements Node Transform Geometry Node Separate Components Node Separate Geometry Node Geometry to Instance Node Join Geometry Node Curve Nodes Read Curve Handle Positions Node Curve Length Node Curve Tangent Node Curve Tilt Node Endpoint Selection Node Handle Type Selection Node Is Spline Cyclic Node Spline Length Node Spline Parameter Node Spline Resolution Node Sample Sample Curve Node Write Set Curve Normal Node Set Curve Radius Node Set Curve Tilt Node Set Handle Positions Node Set Handle Type Node Set Spline Cyclic Node Set Spline Resolution Node Set Spline Type Node Operations Curve to Mesh Node Curve to Points Node Curves to Grease Pencil Node Deform Curves on Surface Node Fill Curve Node Fillet Curve Node Grease Pencil to Curves Node Interpolate Curves Node Merge Layers Node Resample Curve Node Reverse Curve Node Subdivide Curve Node Trim Curve Node Primitives Arc Node Bézier Segment Node Curve Circle Node Curve Line Node Curve Spiral Node Quadratic Bézier Node Quadrilateral Node Star Node Topology Curve of Point Node Offset Point in Curve Node Points of Curve Node Instances Nodes Instance on Points Node Instances to Points Node Realize Instances Node Rotate Instances Node Scale Instances Node Translate Instances Node Set Instance Transform Node Instance Transform Node Instance Rotation Node Instance Scale Node Mesh Nodes Read Edge Angle Node Edge Neighbors Node Edge Vertices Node Edges to Face Groups Node Face Area Node Face Group Boundaries Node Face Neighbors Node Face Set Node Is Face Planar Node Is Edge Smooth Node Is Face Smooth Node Mesh Island Node Shortest Edge Paths Node Vertex Neighbors Node Sample Sample Nearest Surface Node Sample UV Surface Node Write Set Face Set Node Set Shade Smooth Node Operations Dual Mesh Node Edge Paths to Curves Node Edge Paths to Selection Node Extrude Mesh Node Flip Faces Node Mesh Boolean Node Mesh to Curve Node Mesh to Points Node Mesh to Volume Node Scale Elements Node Split Edges Node Subdivide Mesh Node Subdivision Surface Node Triangulate Node Primitives Cone Node Cube Node Cylinder Node Grid Node Icosphere Node Mesh Circle Node Mesh Line Node UV Sphere Node Topology Corners of Edge Node Corners of Face Node Corners of Vertex Node Edges of Corner Node Edges of Vertex Node Face of Corner Node Offset Corner in Face Node Vertex of Corner Node UV Pack UV Islands Node UV Unwrap Node Point Nodes Distribute Points in Volume Distribute Points on Faces Points Node Points to Curves Node Points to Vertices Node Points to Volume Node Set Point Radius Node Volume Nodes Operations Volume to Mesh Node Primitives Volume Cube Node Simulation Zone Material Nodes Replace Material Node Material Index Node Material Selection Node Set Material Node Set Material Index Node Texture Nodes Brick Texture Node Checker Texture Node Gabor Texture Node Gradient Texture Node Image Texture Node Magic Texture Node Musgrave Texture Node Noise Texture Node Voronoi Texture Node Wave Texture Node White Noise Texture Node Utilities Nodes Color Blackbody Node Color Ramp Node Combine Color Node Mix Color Node RGB Curves Node Separate Color Node Text Join Strings Node Replace String Node Slice String Node Special Characters Node String Length Node String to Curves Node Value to String Node Vector Vector Curves Node Vector Math Node Vector Rotate Node Combine XYZ Node Mix Vector Node Separate XYZ Node Field Accumulate Field Node Evaluate at Index Node Evaluate on Domain Node Math Boolean Math Node Clamp Node Compare Node Float Curve Float To Integer Node Hash Value Node Integer Math Node Map Range Node Math Node Mix Node Matrix Combine Matrix Node Combine Transform Node Invert Matrix Node Matrix Determinant Node Multiply Matrices Node Project Point Node Separate Matrix Node Separate Transform Node Transform Direction Node Transform Point Node Transpose Matrix Node Rotation Align Rotation to Vector Node Axes to Rotation Node Axis Angle to Rotation Node Euler to Rotation Node Invert Rotation Node Rotate Rotation Node Rotate Vector Node Rotation to Euler Node Rotation to Quaternion Node Quaternion to Rotation Node Deprecated Align Euler to Vector Node Rotate Euler Node For Each Geometry Element Zone Index Switch Node Menu Switch Node Random Value Node Repeat Zone Switch Node Group Hair Nodes Deformation Blend Hair Curves Displace Hair Curves Frizz Hair Curves Hair Curves Noise Roll Hair Curves Rotate Hair Curves Shrinkwrap Hair Curves Smooth Hair Curves Straighten Hair Curves Trim Hair Curves Generation Duplicate Hair Curves Generate Hair Curves Interpolate Hair Curves Guides Braid Hair Curves Clump Hair Curves Create Guide Index Map Curl Hair Curves Read Curve Info Curve Root Curve Segment Curve Tip Hair Attachment Info Utility Attach Hair Curves to Surface Redistribute Curve Points Restore Curve Segment Length Write Set Hair Curve Profile Normals Nodes Smooth By Angle Node Group Vihje Asset Catalogs that contain geometry node groups will also appear in the add menu.