


Vertex Paint Mode



Set Vertex Colors Shift-K

Fill the active vertex color layer with the current paint color.

Smooth Vertex Colors

Smooth colors across vertices.

Dirty Vertex Colors
Blur Strength

Blur strength per iteration.

Blur Iterations

Number of times to blur the colors (higher blurs more).

Highlight Angle

Clamps the angle for convex areas of the mesh. Lower values increase the contrast but can result in clamping. 90 means flat, 180 means infinitely pointed.

Dirt Angle

Clamps the angle for concave areas of the mesh. Higher values increase the contrast but can result in clamping. 90 means flat, 0 means infinitely deep.

Dirt Only

When active it won't calculate cleans for convex areas.

Normalize (正規化)

Choose optimal contrast by effectively lowering Highlight Angle and increasing Dirt Angle automatically. Disabling Normalize allows getting consistent results across multiple objects.

Vertex Color from Weight

Converts the active weight into grayscale vertex colors.


Invert RGB values.


Adjust levels of vertex colors.

Hue Saturation Value

Adjust vertex color HSV values.


Adjust vertex color brightness/contrast.