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- Predefinições
- Contém um número de exemplos de predefinições de tecidos na :ref:`preset <ui-presets>.
- Qualidade
- Define o número de passos de simulação por quadro. Valores mais altos resultam em maior qualidade, mas torna os cálculos mais lentos.
- Velocidade
- Ajusta quão rápido o tempo irá fluir na simulação de tecidos.
- Massa
- A massa do material de tecido.
- Estrutural
- A rigidez em geral do tecido.
- Conformação
- Wrinkle coefficient. Higher creates more large folds.
- Molas
- O amortecimento da velocidade dos tecidos. Valores mais altos fornecem resultados mais suavizados (menos movimentação ou dobras).
- Ar
- O ar normalmente possui alguma «espessura» o que reduz a velocidade das coisas que caem.
- Velocidade
- Amortece a velocidade para ajudar o tecido a alcançar a posição de descanso final mais rapidamente.
A primeira coisa que você irá necessitar, de maneira a afixar os tecidos é executar a criação de Grupos de vértices.

Cloth pinning.
Once you have a vertex group set, things are pretty straightforward; all you have to do is press the Pinning button in the Cloth panel and select which vertex group you want to use, and the stiffness you want it at.
- Rigidez
- A posição da rigidez no alvo. Você pode manter a rigidez como está; o valor padrão de 1 normalmente funciona de maneira adequada.
Pinning Clothing to an Armature¶
Clothing can be simulated and pinned to an armature. For example, a character could have a baggy tunic pinned to the character’s waist with a belt.
O fluxo de trabalho típico para a afixação de tecidos:
- Definir a armação para a sua pose de atrelamento.
- Modelar os tecidos que irão envolver mas não penetrar na malha do personagem.
- Parentear os objetos de tecido á armação. A armação agora terá diversas malhas crianças atadas a si.
- Create a new vertex group on each cloth object for its pinned vertices.
- Add vertices to be pinned to this vertex group and give these vertices non-zero weights (you probably want weight = 1). For example the belt area of the tunic would be in the vertex group and have weight one.
- Designate the clothing objects as «cloth» in the Physics tab of the Properties editor. Make sure the Cloth Modifier is below the Armature Modifier in the modifier stack.
- Press the Pinning of Cloth button in the Cloth panel and select the vertex group.
- Designate the character’s mesh as «collision» object in the Physics tab of the Properties editor.
- The clothing is now ready. Non-pinned vertices will be under control of the Cloth modifier. Pinned vertices will be under control of the Armature modifier.
When animating or posing the character you must begin from the bind pose. Move the character to its initial pose over several frames so the physics engine can simulate the clothing moving. Very fast movements and teleport jumps can break the physics simulation.
Malha dinâmica¶
Dynamic Mesh allows animating the rest shape of cloth using shape keys or modifiers (e.g. an Armature modifier or any deformation modifier) placed above the Cloth modifier. When it is enabled, the rest shape is recalculated every frame, allowing unpinned cloth to squash and stretch following the character with the help of shape keys or modifiers, but otherwise move freely under control of the physics simulation.
Normalmente, o tecido utiliza o estado do objeto no primeiro quadro para computar o formato de descanso natural do tecido, e mantém este formato de maneira constante através da simulação. Isto é razoável para cenas plenamente realísticas, mas não funciona tão bem para a utilização do tecidos em personagens do tipo caricaturados que utilizam bastante movimentações onde os mesmos quicam, rebatem e são esticados.
Tecido - Escalas de rigidez¶
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- Rigidez estrutural
- Defines a vertex group to control over structural stiffness.
- Máximo
- Valor máximo de rigidez estrutural.
- Rigidez de conformação
- Defines a vertex group to control over bending stiffness.
- Máximo
- Maximum structural bending value.
Molas de costuras do tecido¶
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Another method of restraining cloth similar to pinning is sewing springs. Sewing springs are virtual springs that pull vertices in one part of a cloth mesh toward vertices in another part of the cloth mesh. This is different from pinning which binds vertices of the cloth mesh in place or to another object. A clasp on a cloak could be created with a sewing spring. The spring could pull two corners of a cloak about a character’s neck. This could result in a more realistic simulation than pinning the cloak to the character’s neck since the cloak would be free to slide about the character’s neck and shoulders.
Sewing springs are created by adding extra edges to a cloth mesh that are not included in any faces. They should connect vertices in the mesh that should be pulled together. For example the corners of a cloak.
To activate the springs, enable the Cloth Sewing Springs panel.
- Força das costuras
- Maximum force that can be applied by sewing springs. Zero means unbounded, but it is not recommended to leave the field at zero in most cases, as it can cause instability due to extreme forces in the initial frames where the ends of the sewing springs are far apart.
The Cloth Sewing Springs panel also contains controls for shrinking the actual cloth faces.
- Grupo de encolhimento
- Vertex group that is used to vary the intensity of the shrinking effect over the cloth.
- Mínimo
- Fraction of the size to shrink the cloth by around vertices with weight 0 (or those not in vertex group). The value 0.01 means shrink by 1% etc.
- Máximo
- Fraction of the size to shrink the cloth by around vertices with weight 1.
Like unbounded sewing forces, immediately applying a large amount of shrink can cause instability, so it is advisable to keyframe these fields and ease in from 0 during draping.
Tecido - Controles de campos de força¶
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As other physics dynamics systems, Cloth simulation is also influenced by external force effectors.