

Brush data-block menu.


The Menu de blocos de dados to select a preset brush type or a custom brush. They are a combination of a «tool», along with stroke, texture, and options.

O pincel pode ser selecionado pelos números: de 0 a 9 e de Shift-0 a Shift-9.

Adicionar +
Quando você adiciona um pincel, o novo pincel é um clone do pincel atual.


De maneira a salvar um pincel personalizado em um arquivo Blender para um usuário, defina para o pincel um Usuário virtual.

  • Aumentar ou decrescer o tamanho do pincel [ e ] (colchetes)

Controle radial

  • Definir o tamanho do pincel F
  • Definir a força do pincel Shift-F
  • Rotacionar a textura do pincel Ctrl-F

You can then either adjust the value interactively or by typing in numbers. After pressing the hotkey move the mouse to increase/reduce the value (additionally with precision and/or snapping activated). Finally confirm (LMB, Return) or cancel (RMB, Esc).




Brush appearance options.

Allows you to customize the display in the viewport of the Curve and Texture that is applied to the brush.

The eye icon is used as a toggle to show or hide the given brush texture.
You can change the amount of transparency used when showing the texture using the Alpha slider.
Stroke Overlay
The brush icon allows you to turn off the viewport overlay during strokes.



Brush cursor.

Allows you to customize the color of the brush radius outline and to specify a custom icon.

Show Brush
Shows the brush shape in the viewport.
Set the color of the brush ring.
Custom Icon
Allows definition of a custom brush icon.