

Mode:Object Mode
Panel:Physics ‣ Collision

Partículas, Corpos macios e objetos marcados como Tecido podem colidir com outros objetos de malha. As Revoadas tentam evitar esses objetos de Colisão.

  • You may limit the effect on particles to a group of objects (in the Field Weights panel).
  • Deflection for soft body objects is difficult, they often penetrate the colliding objects.
  • Hair particles ignore deflecting objects (but you can animate them as soft bodies which take deflection into account).

If you change the deflection settings for an object you have to recalculate the particle, soft body or cloth system by Delete Bake, this is not done automatically.



Collision panel.

Campos de força

Field Absorption
A deflector can also deflect effectors. You can specify some collision/deflector objects which deflect a specific portion of the effector force using the Field Absorption value. 100% absorption results in no force getting through the collision/deflector object at all. If you have three collision object behind each other with e.g. 10%, 43% and 3%, the absorption ends up at around 50% \(100 × (1 - 0.1) × (1 - 0.43) × (1 - 0.03)\).


A fração das partículas que poderá passar através da malha.
Quanto as partículas irão aderir ao objeto.
Matar partículas
Apaga as partículas nos impactos com a malha.

O fator de amortecimento durante a colisão (independente da velocidade das partículas).

Uma variação aleatória do amortecimento.

A fricção durante os movimentos ao longo da superfície.

Uma variação aleatória da fricção.

Soft Body and Cloth

It is also important to note that this collision panel is used to tell all simulations that this object is to participate in colliding/deflecting other objects on a shared layer (particles, soft bodies, and cloth).


The object’s shape deforms the cloth, so the cloth simulation must be inputted the «true» shape of that mesh object at that frame. This true shape is the basis shape as modified by shape keys or armatures. Therefore, the Collision Modifier must be after any of those. The image to the right shows the Modifiers panel for the Character mesh object (not the cloth object).


Damping during a collision. The amount of bounce that the surfaces will have.

  • 0.0 - No damping, soft bodies will have a maximum bounciness.
  • 1.0 - Maximum damping, soft bodies will not bounce at all.

A padding distance is added to the inside and outside of each face, to help to prevent intersections. The soft body will come to rest at this distance away from the face of the colliding object. Outside and inside is defined by the face normal, depicted as blue arrow in Fig. A soft body vertex colliding with a plane..

Parte externa
O tamanho da área de colisão externa.
Parte interna
O tamanho da área de colisão interna (distância de ancoramento).

A soft body vertex colliding with a plane.

A coefficient for how slippery the cloth is when it collides with itself. For example, silk has a lower coefficient of friction than cotton.
Single Sided
When enabled, cloth collisions are only performed on the normal side of the collider plane.
Override Normals
When enabled, cloth collision impulses act in the direction of the collider normals.


Soft body collisions are difficult to get perfect. If one of the objects move too fast, the soft body will penetrate the mesh. See also the section about Soft Bodies.



Deflected particles.

Here is a Meta object, using instancing verts to a particle system emitting downwards, and deflected by a mesh cube.


  • Certifique-se de que as normais da superfície da malha estão apontando (faceando) na direção das partículas ou pontos de calculações para que a deflexão funcione de maneira apropriada.
  • As partículas em formato de cabelos reagem diretamente aos campos de força, portanto, caso você utilize um campo de força definido para um curto alcance você não precisará necessariamente de colisões.
  • As partículas de cabelos evitam as suas malhas de emissão caso você as edite dentro do modo de Edição de partículas. Portanto, você poderá ao menos modelar o cabelo através das colisões.