Nó Textura de céu
The Sky Texture node adds a procedural Sky texture.
- Vector
Coordenada de textura para amostrar a textura em; padrão para coordenadas de textura Geradas se o soquete é deixado desconectado.
- Tipo de céu
Modelo de céu para usar
- Direção do Sol
Vetor de direção do sol
- Turbidez
Turbidez atmosférica.
2: Arctic like
3: céu limpo
6: dia quente/úmido
10: dia nublado
- Albedo para base
Amount of light reflected from the planet surface back into the atmosphere.
- Sun Disc Cycles Only
Enable/Disable sun disc lighting.
- Sun Size
Angular diameter of the sun disc (in degrees).
- Sun Intensity
Multiplier for sun disc lighting.
- Sun Elevation
Rotation of the sun from the horizon (in degrees).
- Sun Rotation
Rotation of the sun around the zenith (in degrees).
- Altitude
The distance from sea level to the location of the camera. For example, if the camera is placed on a beach then a value of 0 should be used. However, if the camera is in the cockpit of a flying airplane then a value of 10 km will be more suitable. Note, this is limited to 60 km because the mathematical model only accounts for the first two layers of the earth’s atmosphere (which ends around 60 km).
- Air
Density of air molecules.
0 no air
1 clear day atmosphere
2 highly polluted day
- Dust
Density of dust and water droplets.
0 no dust
1 clear day atmosphere
5 city like atmosphere
10 hazy day
- Ozone
Density of ozone molecules; useful to make the sky appear bluer.
0 no ozone
1 clear day atmosphere
2 city like atmosphere
- Color
Saída de cor da textura.
Veja também
Sun Position add-on