Corners of Vertex Node

Corners of Vertex node.

The Corners of Vertex node retrieves face corners attached to each vertex. The node first gathers a list of the corners of all faces connected to the vertex. That list is then sorted based on the values of the Sort Weight input. The Total output is the number of connected faces/corners, and the Corner Index output is one of those corners, chosen with the Sort Index input.


Vertex Index

The index of the input vertex.


By default this uses the index from the field context, which makes it important that the node is evaluated on the vertex domain.

Pesos de influência

Values used to sort the corners connected to the vertex. By default the corners are sorted by index, so the corners with the smallest indices come first.

Sort Index

Which of the sorted corners to use for the Corner Index output. If the value is larger than the total number of connected face corners, it will wrap around to the beginning.


Este nó não possui propriedades.


Corner Index

An corner connected to the face, chosen by the Sort Index input.


The number of faces or face corners connected to the vertex.