Viewer Node


Viewer Node.

The Viewer node is a temporary, in-process viewer. It could be plug in anywhere to inspect an image or value map in your node tree.

Select a view node with LMB to switch between multiple view nodes. It is possible to automatically plug a Viewer node to any other node by pressing Shift-Ctrl-LMB on it.


See Composite Node.


Tile order

The tile order can be defined for the backdrop image, using the Tile order field in the properties of the viewer node (Properties panel in Properties region, with the viewer node selected):

Rule of thirds
Calculates tiles around each of the nine zones defined by the rule of thirds.
Bottom up
Tiles are calculated from the bottom up.
Calculates tiles in a non-specific order.

Calculates the tiles around a specific center, defined by X and Y fields.

X, Y


This node has no output sockets.


It is possible to add multiple Viewer nodes, though only the active one (last selected, indicated with a slightly darker header) will be shown on the backdrop or in the UV/Image editor.

Using the UV/Image Editor

The viewer node allows results to be displayed in the UV/Image Editor. The image is facilitated in the header by selecting Viewer Node in the linked Image data-block menu. The UV/Image Editor will display the image from the currently selected viewer node.

To save the image being viewed, use Image ‣ Save As Image, F3 to save the image in a file.

The UV/Image Editor also has three additional options in its header to view Images with or without Alpha, or to view the Alpha or Z itself. Holding LMB in the Image display allows you to sample the values.