Arc Node

The Arc node generates a poly spline arc. The node has two modes, Radius and Points.
- Resolution
Number of edges on the arc.
- Radius
The radius of the arc. Radius mode only.
- Start Angle
Starting angle of the arc. Radius mode only.
- Sweep Angle
Length of the arc. Radius mode only.
- Connect Center
Connect the arc at the center.
- Invert Arc
Invert and draw opposite arc.
- Start, Middle, End
The three points on the arc. Points mode only. The order of the points determines the direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) of the arc. The arc will always draw from Start to End via the Middle point. This can be changed by using the Invert Arc option.
- Offset Angle
Offset angle of the arc. Points mode only.
Because of the finite resolution, the middle point does not necessarily lie on the generated arc.
- Način
- Points
The position and radius of the arc are determined by three points. The center of the arc, radius and normal are also given as outputs.
- Radius
The arc is determined by the radius, start angle and sweep angle.
- Curve
Poly spline generated from the inputs.
- Center
The center of the arc described by the three points. Points mode only.
- Normal
The normal direction of the plane described by the three points, pointing towards the positive Z axis. Points mode only.
- Radius
The radius of the arc described by the three points. Points mode only.