Контекстуальні Огляди – Contextual Views

The 3D Viewport has several «contextual view» modes that can be set for a particular 3D Viewport. These views can change how the overall 3D Viewport looks or how you interact with objects.

Чотирибічний Огляд – Quad View

Орієнтир – Reference

Режим – Mode

Усі режими – All modes

Меню – Menu

View ‣ Area ‣ Toggle Quad View

Скорочення – Hotkey


Toggling Quad View will split the 3D Viewport into four views: Three Orthographic «side views» and one Camera/User View. This view will allow you to instantly see your model from a number of view points. In this arrangement, you can zoom and pan each view independently but you cannot rotate the view.


Quad View is different from splitting the area and aligning the view manually. In Quad View, the four views are still part of a single 3D Viewport. So they share the same display options and layers.


Чотирибічний Огляд – Quad View.

Опції – Options

Орієнтир – Reference

Режим – Mode

Усі режими – All modes

Меню – Menu

Sidebar ‣ View ‣ Quad View

Блокування – Lock

Якщо ви хочете мати можливість обертати кожен огляд, то ви можете вимкнути цю опцію «Блоковано» – Locked.

Коробка – Box

Syncs the view position between side views. (Requires Lock to be enabled.)

Відсік – Clip

Clip objects based on what is visible in other side views. (Requires Box to be enabled.)